American men taking back their masculinity?

Oh absolutely it does. I would argue that many who do have the innate cognitive ability are either steered in other directions or do not have the proper preparation, so what you're saying is true to a degree, but regardless innate abilities do come into play. Just as not everyone has the innate ability to be a star athlete not every one has the innate ability to master a science discipline.

When I was in school girls were actually told by teachers that girls aren't good at math and science.
Sister Kenneth???!!! :o

Yes, I really think she had issues!

She was cruel, made a girl in my class wet her pants, she asked to go to the bathroom and Sister Kenneth told her to wait till after prayer. The girl was very shy and greatly intimidated, but told Sister she could not wait! She wet her pants and was totally humiliated. I told Sister she was mean and got sent not to the principal, but to Father Telegdy's office.

I challenged Sister Kenneth every chance I got that year! It was not a good year, the bad thing, my brother had her the following year, he had hell to pay.

He told me once that he hated following me in school because he was made to pay for my sins!

Oops! I just questioned, wasn't my fault I didn't follow blindly, lol
WTF? Hasn't the toothless wonder posted his full name on here?

Your attempt to skirt the rule is just foolish, Howey. If John Smith posted their real name here, linking to a FB page would still be a violation. It is my opinion that you didn't just link to it directly because you already knew it was a violation.

It isn't okay. As a board owner you know the ropes and IMO deserve less leeway than others.
American feminists may be in for a surprise. A growing number of manly men in the country are taking back the masculinity that Betty Friedan and her ilk took from them during the beginning of the feminist movement in America.

As the author of the Feminine Mystique in 1964 Friedan convinced American women that if men did not have a “feminine side” it meant they wanted to keep females barefoot and pregnant. This actually came at a time when more women were making strides in the business and financial world. The result was men started to become “wusses” and sacrificed everything that had made them attractive to women in the first place.

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Must be awful to be such a pussy that you feel you lost your masculinity just because you can't handle smart women.
American men taking back their masculinity?

What masculinity was that then? I thought they played with their bang-bangs instead?