American men taking back their masculinity?


Which of the these are your relatives?
You don't have to be girlie to treat women as more than objects. Seriously, masculinity has little to do with wanting your daughter treated better than women were treated in the 50s.

I would have said "as other than objects," not "more than objects" which leaves the objectification intact and only adds to it!
I think he was merely trying to ring a bell in their heads

don't find enemies where there are friends to be made
When I was studying chemistry at uni in the seventies, there was one woman out of about 60 men in my year. I doubt that it has changed that much today.

And why do you think that was, and why hasn't it changed? Exactly what are you getting at here with this statistic?
Just stating a fact, it is you that is trying to put a spin on it.

Facts are facts for a reason, I am referring to cause and effect, and your stating it also had a reason; what was it? Or did you just randomly pull this shit out of your ass for no apparent reason whatsoever, like some kind of public Rorschach statement?
Can't or won't, not really sure. Maybe a bit of both.

Here we go! Now we see the spin; and if they can't why can't they and if they won't why won't they? Come on Tom dig a little deeper into that pit you call a mind and give up what you are so cleverly sidestepping with this dance!
That article was written by a woman, Martha Gore.

So? Are you making some kind of claim about all women with this particular statement. Or are you saying that if a woman wrote the article then it must reflect the feelings of women in general? What the fuck are you saying here you fucking troglodyte? A woman, Phyllis Schlafly, generally takes credit for defeating the equal rights amendment, too! Conservative women can actually be just as fucked up an any other conservative or didn't you get that far in school or life or where ever it was that you picked up the shit you are posting here as "facts"!
I concur; he has been groaning and moaning a lot here lately! Must be his hemorrhoids acting up again.

women are better at empathy.

this is a good quality not a bad one.

people lacking empathy think its a weakness.

that is one of the things that make them unsuitable to wield power over others.
History is another one of your failings but that is hardly news. We legalised both abortion and homosexuality in 1967, years before the US. We also passed an Equal Pay Act in 1970.

And yet, judging from the "facts" you have chosen to post, the social consciousness that such changes should have engendered apparently hasn't trickled into you ignorant mind yet, has it?
I loved organic chemistry, there is great satisfaction in synthesizing something exotic. I don't think many women get turned on by chemistry as a subject preferring biology and life sciences instead.
I liked organic chemistry too...but it was an acquired taste. I was blown away my first trimester and struggled to keep up. About the time we started studying conformational analysis the door opened and I started to "get it". After that I enjoyed the class somewhat. At the beginning of the second trimester we had went from 32 down to 10 students and 4 more dropped within a month of the second trimester. The Prof told us that since she could give us more personal attention that she was going to make the class harder (that's why the other 4 dropped). Those of us who remained were none to happy about that cause we all were focused on making the grades needed for grad school. It ended up working in our favor as probably 1/4 of the MCAT exam had to do with organic chem type questions but we were none to happy at the time. She worked us like rented plow mules.
I speak of the world as it is not how others would like it to be. I made the statement to Desh that Carl Djerassi made a far greater contribution for women than Betty Friedan. I consider that to be true but I can see why some people find it contentious.

As if that is the most misogynistic statement you have made here! It isn't! But that is probably why you chose to highlight it!