American men taking back their masculinity?

American feminists may be in for a surprise. A growing number of manly men in the country are taking back the masculinity that Betty Friedan and her ilk took from them during the beginning of the feminist movement in America.

As the author of the Feminine Mystique in 1964 Friedan convinced American women that if men did not have a “feminine side” it meant they wanted to keep females barefoot and pregnant. This actually came at a time when more women were making strides in the business and financial world. The result was men started to become “wusses” and sacrificed everything that had made them attractive to women in the first place.

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I haven't read the article yet but to be honest with you, if a man feels he has to take his masculinity back from a feminist, he probablyl didn't have any masculinity to begin with.

glad to hear you have decided to hand us all power.

does that mean we now get equal pay too finally?
Typically speaking, studies have shown that women who don't drop out of the work force to focus on child rearing tend to advance and earn at the same as men with the same or similiar education and skill set. Now that's not to say a glass ceiling and the good ole boy network doesn't exist but it does demonstrate that there is more equality in the work place then some would claim.
God, even if I did think like that I wouldn't get very far!! You obviously know very little about Thai women in particular and Asian women in general. Why don't you ask Mott because you have some very strange ideas. I could actually call you racist for having such archaic views.

Well, she did marry a racist.
It's topped two Amazon bestseller lists so somebody is buying it. Anyway the article is written by a woman.
What can I say other than there must be a lot of pussies out there who feel threatened by having to compete in the workforce with women. I have never, ever, ever felt that my masculinity was threatened by any feminist. Not even the radical activist like Bella Abzug, Andrea Dworkin or Katherine McKinnen.
Name one famous woman chemist apart from Madame Curie. More to the point name any famous women biochemists ever.
Jaquiline Barton
Ruth Benerito
Ruth Erica Benesch
Carolyn Bertozzi
Hazel Bishop
Emma Perry Carr
Irene Joiliet Curie*
Marie Daly
Edith Flanigen
Rosalind Francis**
Alice Hamiltion
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin*
Katherine Holloway!
Marie-Anne Lavoisier
Shannon Lucid!
Mary Lyon

* Won the Nobel Prize
** Dr. Rosiland Francis did the x-ray crystollography work that Crick and Watson used to interpret the double hylical nature of DNA. She would have been awarded the Nobel prize with Crick and Watson for her substantial contribution towards this staggering accomplishment but she died from cancer prior to the award and the Nobel committe does not award the prize posthumously. She is, inarguably, one of the greatest chemist of all time. Technically speaking, since her work was on DNA, you could probably consider Dr. Francis a biochemist too.
! Biochemist.
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When I was studying chemistry at uni in the seventies, there was one woman out of about 60 men in my year. I doubt that it has changed that much today.
When I took organic chemistry in college there were 32 students in my first class. That included 12 women and 6 engineering majors. By the end of the first trimester all the women students and all the engineering students had dropped out. Having said that, our professor for second and third trimester O Chem was a woman. She was also a tenured full Prof. By the end of the year there were only 6 students left in our class.
When I took organic chemistry in college there were 32 students in my first class. That included 12 women and 6 engineering majors. By the end of the first trimester all the women students and all the engineering students had dropped out. Having said that, our professor for second and third trimester O Chem was a woman. She was also a tenured full Prof. By the end of the year there were only 6 students left in our class.

I loved organic chemistry, there is great satisfaction in synthesizing something exotic. I don't think many women get turned on by chemistry as a subject preferring biology and life sciences instead.
God, even if I did think like that I wouldn't get very far!! You obviously know very little about Thai women in particular and Asian women in general. Why don't you ask Mott because you have some very strange ideas. I could actually call you racist for having such archaic views.
LOL I'll only defend you to the point that if you were half the mysoginist the ladies here on JPP think you are she would have done you in a long time ago. Your problem on this topic Tom is you are your own worst enemy! ;)
Jaquiline Barton
Ruth Benerito
Ruth Erica Benesch
Carolyn Bertozzi
Hazel Bishop
Emma Perry Carr
Irene Joiliet Curie*
Marie Daly
Edith Flanigen
Rosalind Francis**
Alice Hamiltion
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin*
Katherine Holloway!
Marie-Anne Lavoisier
Shannon Lucid!
Mary Lyon

* Won the Nobel Prize
** Dr. Rosiland Francis did the x-ray crystollography work that Crick and Watson used to interpret the double hylical nature of DNA. She would have been awarded the Nobel prize with Crick and Watson for her substantial contribution towards this staggering accomplishment but she died from cancer prior to the award and the Nobel committe does not award the prize posthumously. She is, inarguably, one of the greatest chemist of all time. Technically speaking, since her work was on DNA, you could probably consider Dr. Francis a biochemist too.
! Biochemist.

I think you are referring to Rosalind Franklin, she was brilliant and for a long time her role was ignored in determining the structure of DNA. However she wasn't a chemist but a biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer. Actually when I said chemist to Desh I was thinking primarily of organic chemistry.
I loved organic chemistry, there is great satisfaction in synthesizing something exotic. I don't think many women get turned on by chemistry as a subject preferring biology and life sciences instead.
Oh Tom...there you go again! LOL If women lack interest in these topics it probably has far more to do with socialization than any inate differences in cognitive ability. The fact is, most people cannot master these subjects.

In US Universities only about 5% of students graduate in the physical sciences, the life sciences or engineering and technology. About 25% of college students in the US attempt these majors but only around 20% of those who do complete a degree. The fact is, the over whelming majority of humanity are not good at science and maths.
I think you are referring to Rosalind Franklin, she was brilliant and for a long time her role was ignored in determining the structure of DNA. However she wasn't a chemist but a biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer. Actually when I said chemist to Desh I was thinking primarily of organic chemistry.
Yup. My bad. Pulled a Jarod and misspelled her name.
LOL I'll only defend you to the point that if you were half the mysoginist the ladies here on JPP think you are she would have done you in a long time ago. Your problem on this topic Tom is you are your own worst enemy! ;)

I speak of the world as it is not how others would like it to be. I made the statement to Desh that Carl Djerassi made a far greater contribution for women than Betty Friedan. I consider that to be true but I can see why some people find it contentious.
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Oh Tom...there you go again! LOL If women lack interest in these topics it probably has far more to do with socialization than any inate differences in cognitive ability. The fact is, most people cannot master these subjects.

In US Universities only about 5% of students graduate in the physical sciences, the life sciences or engineering and technology. About 25% of college students in the US attempt these majors but only around 20% of those who do complete a degree. The fact is, the over whelming majority of humanity are not good at science and maths.

Well can I tell you something, the Chemistry department at my university closed for several years due to lack of students and hence funds. My youngest son is now in his third year at the same university doing computer science. It has just reopened as it managed to secure new funding primarily because there have attracted a lot of Chinese students. To say that women are far more attracted by life sciences is factual, as to the reasons you can argue till the cows come home.
I think you are referring to Rosalind Franklin, she was brilliant and for a long time her role was ignored in determining the structure of DNA. However she wasn't a chemist but a biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer. Actually when I said chemist to Desh I was thinking primarily of organic chemistry.

Dorothy Mary Hodgkin was a British X-ray crystallographer as well, again brilliant but not really an organic chemist. I don't know if you ever had to do any crystallography but the main prerequisites are knowledge of 3D geometry and crystalline structures.
Well can I tell you something, the Chemistry department at my university closed for several years due to lack of students and hence funds. My youngest son is now in his third year at the same university doing computer science. It has just reopened as it managed to secure new funding primarily because there have attracted a lot of Chinese students. To say that women are far more attracted by life sciences is factual, as to the reasons you can argue till the cows come home.

Just been groaned by Topsoil which is supremely fucking ironic as it was an ignorant bean counter like him that closed the chemistry department in the first place.