American men taking back their masculinity?

Just been groaned by Topsoil which is supremely fucking ironic as it was an ignorant bean counter like him that closed the chemistry department in the first place.
Sometime you crocked tooth pocket protector wearing dorks need to be checked!
Rape fetish boy
Well can I tell you something, the Chemistry department at my university closed for several years due to lack of students and hence funds. My youngest son is now in his third year at the same university doing computer science. It has just reopened as it managed to secure new funding primarily because there have attracted a lot of Chinese students. To say that women are far more attracted by life sciences is factual, as to the reasons you can argue till the cows come home.
That could explain why I was a biology major too! I mean go into a major in college with no babes? Hell, why even bother going to college! ;)
Dorothy Mary Hodgkin was a British X-ray crystallographer as well, again brilliant but not really an organic chemist. I don't know if you ever had to do any crystallography but the main prerequisites are knowledge of 3D geometry and crystalline structures.
...and an x-ray diffractometer. We had one of the old fashioned turn table single crystal diffractometers when I worked at OSU's material science dept. Most of the work I did was in recycling inorganic hazardous waste via high temperature processes. I did a log of work using both SEM/EDS and XRF/EDS in formulating products and analyzing their different physical phases. I used XRD crystallography to identify different types of matrixes we were making, spinels, franklinite, hematite, etc. One of the products I was developing was loose grain blasting abrasive (for sandblasting operations) and one of the critical health and safety parameters was that it couldn't contain any crystalline silica. I found that the old fashioned turn table single crystal XRD apparatus from the 1930's did an excellent job for that particular task and it was quick and easy to do. I could find out in a matter of minutes if my sample contained crystalline silica.
American feminists may be in for a surprise. A growing number of manly men in the country are taking back the masculinity that Betty Friedan and her ilk took from them during the beginning of the feminist movement in America.

As the author of the Feminine Mystique in 1964 Friedan convinced American women that if men did not have a “feminine side” it meant they wanted to keep females barefoot and pregnant. This actually came at a time when more women were making strides in the business and financial world. The result was men started to become “wusses” and sacrificed everything that had made them attractive to women in the first place.

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"Taking back their masculinity", is there something you want to share with us?
That could explain why I was a biology major too! I mean go into a major in college with no babes? Hell, why even bother going to college! ;)

There was no shortage of women at Lancaster university they just weren't to be found in the physical sciences or maths departments. All but one of the colleges have mixed residence blocks on campus so it was easy enough to meet women.
There was no shortage of women at Lancaster university they just weren't to be found in the physical sciences or maths departments. All but one of the colleges have mixed residence blocks on campus so it was easy enough to meet women.
Yea but in biology class we got to experiment together. That and learn anatomy by palpation. WooHoo! :)
Well I wouldn't give a shit if you all went independent and lived on your own resources but that's not going to happen anytime soon. In the meantime, the Welsh assembly should be given full tax raising powers and the Barnett formula scrapped. It was only meant to be temporary thirty odd years ago!!

Well, the sooner the better. You stole everything that wasn't nailed down and much that was, but I'd prefer to be poor than live with pigs. The Barnett formula penalises us appallingly - look it up. And incidentally, when my daughter was studying science we were living in England and trying to understand their weird accents and pretend they were normal people.
LOL I'll only defend you to the point that if you were half the mysoginist the ladies here on JPP think you are she would have done you in a long time ago. Your problem on this topic Tom is you are your own worst enemy! ;)

Asian women are as varied in personalities as are American women. I do not stereotype women the way Tom does.
Well, the sooner the better. You stole everything that wasn't nailed down and much that was, but I'd prefer to be poor than live with pigs. The Barnett formula penalises us appallingly - look it up. And incidentally, when my daughter was studying science we were living in England and trying to understand their weird accents and pretend they were normal people.

Do you want some fish with those chips on your shoulder?
Asian women are as varied in personalities as are American women. I do not stereotype women the way Tom does.
Actually I think Tom's point was that Asian women are often stereotyped as being very submissive when most are not and many will scratch your eyes out if you cross the line.
There are many Welsh who are that way about the English, some deserved most not. It gets really bad in North Wales where Welsh is spoken every day.
