American Military Dominance In One Staggering Chart

Fine, close all our bases in Europe and pull out of NATO. Also no more troops for the U.N.

American troops for American soil, American money for American citizens.
Fine, close all our bases in Europe and pull out of NATO. Also no more troops for the U.N.

American troops for American soil, American money for American citizens.

I think that would be going too far. We can still be part of NATO and have troops in the UN. But we should close all of our military bases in other countries and stop all of these wars on the Muslim world.
I think that would be going too far. We can still be part of NATO and have troops in the UN. But we should close all of our military bases in other countries and stop all of these wars on the Muslim world.

Then who will police the earth for good??
Not just that we spend more than the next 10 nations combined, but that we have been doing it for decades. This is what General Eisenhower said. Wonder why we let schools deteriorate and not provide healthcare? Because we keep wasting our wealth on the military/industrial complex that never has enough.

Another reason for not spending more on schools and health care is that the government wants to keep people poor, because poverty is a major cause for enlistment. They need lots of poor people so the military industrial complex can continue.
Fine, close all our bases in Europe and pull out of NATO. Also no more troops for the U.N.

American troops for American soil, American money for American citizens.

That makes sense to you? We have over 800 military bases around the globe. I thought Europe was our allies. I guess with Trump our allies are Russia and North Korea.
That makes sense to you? We have over 800 military bases around the globe. I thought Europe was our allies. I guess with Trump our allies are Russia and North Korea.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either subsidized Europes defense with our own blood and treasure or let them fend for themselves for the first time in 80 fucking years. Because you can be damn sure they wouldn't be rushing to come over here should we need it. If they won't defend themselves they sure as hell won't defend us. They are not mutually beneficial allies.
Another reason for not spending more on schools and health care is that the government wants to keep people poor, because poverty is a major cause for enlistment. They need lots of poor people so the military industrial complex can continue.

We spend just as much on education as we do defense.
We spend just as much on education as we do defense.

But we don't need to spend nearly this much on defense. We don't need to occupy countries around the world. We don't need to fund the Israeli murder machine.
We should be spending considerably more on education than war.
But we don't need to spend nearly this much on defense. We don't need to occupy countries around the world. We don't need to fund the Israeli murder machine.
We should be spending considerably more on education than war.
Spending more on education isn't going to get you the results you want.
Spending more on education isn't going to get you the results you want.

It's not that I think we should be spending more than we are now. It's that the amount we're spending on education should be well and above the amount we're spending on the military. And as you can see, we're spending way too much on the military.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either subsidized Europes defense with our own blood and treasure or let them fend for themselves for the first time in 80 fucking years. Because you can be damn sure they wouldn't be rushing to come over here should we need it. If they won't defend themselves they sure as hell won't defend us. They are not mutually beneficial allies.

NATO stands against Russia. If Russia attacks, they will bear the brunt of the attacks. How much is that worth?
I think that would be going too far. We can still be part of NATO and have troops in the UN. But we should close all of our military bases in other countries and stop all of these wars on the Muslim world.

Textbook example of why leftist loons shouldn't be allowed anywhere near foreign policy.