American Officials: Whoops!


JPP Modarater

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Nightmarish political realities in Baghdad are prompting American officials to curb their vision for democracy in Iraq. Instead, the officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security.

In other words we're trying to get back to where we were when saddam was in power: a stable government.

Man. I really hate being right all the time.
What a big ball of a fvcking mess. I think Bush should be forced to stay over there when his term is up until Iraq is restored to the stability it had before he stupidly invaded. Life is so unfair. Innocent people are being mamed (sp?) by the thousands and that fvcker gets a clean bill of health? Where's the justice?
Justice ? We get just as much of that as each one of us can afford.
How many rich peoples kids are in Iraq that do not want to be ?
ie how many are like Bush during nam and are getting to stay here because of political suction ?
What's so infuriating about this is that this war has become so insane not only in the politics of it, but the strategy, that we have come to a point where every possible good reason for fighting this war has been eliminated.

If we thought that arming the insurgents who were killing our troops in hope that they would help us fight the Al Qaeda we allowed into Iraq was nuts, this is beyond ridiculous because it diminishes the one benefit anyone could forsee from the war.

If the goal is no longer even a democratic Iraq, then why didn't we just leave Saddam in power? Sad as it is to say, but more people on both sides of the conflict would be alive today.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Nightmarish political realities in Baghdad are prompting American officials to curb their vision for democracy in Iraq. Instead, the officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security.

In other words we're trying to get back to where we were when saddam was in power: a stable government.

Man. I really hate being right all the time.

THIS is what we get for an investment of a trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded??

Crap, anyone who voted for Bush, or supported this war better STFU about a state spending a few dollars on a food stamp commercial :pke:
THIS is what we get for an investment of a trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded??

Crap, anyone who voted for Bush, or supported this war better STFU about a state spending a few dollars on a food stamp commercial :pke:

Who'd have thought, that 4 years later we'd be merely seeking the safety and security that Saddam's rule brought?

oh wait........that was us. Bravo. At least Patreaus has somewhat realistic goals.
Seriously. And I hate that our country (all you red staters) was responsible for putting that dope into office.
I am not certain any of them could have predicted that Bush would have turned out the way he did... at least not in the first election, but by the 2nd one, unless completely brain dead or partisan reasons, in my personal opinion, they should have known!
I am not certain any of them could have predicted that Bush would have turned out the way he did... at least not in the first election, but by the 2nd one, unless completely brain dead for partisan reasons, in my personal opinion, they should have known!
yes I do not trust the decisions of anyone who voted for bush in 2004.
I am not certain any of them could have predicted that Bush would have turned out the way he did... at least not in the first election, but by the 2nd one, unless completely brain dead or partisan reasons, in my personal opinion, they should have known!

I disagree. When I found he won in 2000, I literally thought, "the $hit has hit the fan". There was already a global anti-Bush movement before he got into office. The writing was on the wall. His business and political history was a starch indicator that he is a failure of gigantic proportions.
I disagree. When I found he won in 2000, I literally thought, "the $hit has hit the fan". There was already a global anti-Bush movement before he got into office. The writing was on the wall. His business and political history was a starch indicator that he is a failure of gigantic proportions.
Yes I agree they SHOULD have done some research and known about Bush before the 1st election, but I can also say that many thought that it was good that cheney, with his experience, was there to help the deficient Bush along.

Only LATER to find out that Cheney, and 'Cheney like minded' that were hired by him, turned out to be the major problem and actual perpitraitor of this entire mess that our country is in....

What should be learned from this for those that thought it would be okay because Cheney, a supposed level headed person, would be vp and help the dumb but imo deviously clever Bush along, in the somewhat "right" direction, were wrong. Wrong because putting in a dumb President with a strong vp is wrong... it just means we are getting a President that we really didn't vote for....yes, he's on the ticket as vp, but you know what I mean....

We should never settle for an idiot, as our President.... it is toooooo important of a position!
Yes I agree they SHOULD have done some research and known about Bush before the 1st election, but I can also say that many thought that it was good that cheney, with his experience, was there to help the deficient Bush along.

Only LATER to find out that Cheney, and 'Cheney like minded' that were hired by him, turned out to be the major problem and actual perpitraitor of this entire mess that our country is in....

What should be learned from this for those that thought it would be okay because Cheney, a supposed level headed person, would be vp and help the dumb but imo deviously clever Bush along, in the somewhat "right" direction, were wrong. Wrong because putting in a dumb President with a strong vp is wrong... it just means we are getting a President that we really didn't vote for....yes, he's on the ticket as vp, but you know what I mean....

We should never settle for an idiot, as our President.... it is toooooo important of a position!
I agree with your whole posotion, I confess that I too was taken in by the same BS. Before the election I even wondered if the positions should have been reversed. (Chenny as Pres and Bush as VP). I am totally chagrined.
Don't Blame Others

Seriously. And I hate that our country (all you red staters) was responsible for putting that dope into office.

Well, if you would have run an electable candidate Bush could have been easily defeated in 2000. His record as governor was dismal at best.
It is funny, butt, I do not remember a big show of a welcome to the board from you, or any welcome at all? This is more jealousy directed at the mensa man, I am sure of it?

Umm should I really have welcomed myself ?