American Officials: Whoops!

I'd like to see the Constitution Party field a candidate but they'll probably just endorse the Republican candidate. I'm a registered republican because the RP does the best job of running the county where I live. On the national level, my vote is up for grabs.

You sound like a fairly reasonable person.
Only if they have a chance of winning, otherwise you have wasted your vote.

There's no such thing as a wasted vote...that's a con job to rope-a-dope those who see no difference between the two parties.
Republicans want to be your Daddy and Democrats want to be your Mommy. In either case government grows bigger and we become less free.
It wasn't always that way.
I just care about America and I want the candidate who will be best for America...and I don't care which party that candidate hails from.

Me too, but i have had my fill of the neo con crowd and republicans by association for a while.
Just don't see any real good alternatives. But will vote for anyone who can beat the repubs in the nov election.
No, you haven't. If you weren't going to vote at all. Participation by those who are not going to vote otherwise is never a 'wasted' vote if they actually indicate their concerns by choosing a third party.
You have also wasted your vote of you DON'T vote.
You have also wasted your vote of you DON'T vote.
The only time you have 'wasted' your vote is if one of the parties agrees with you closely and you choose to vote for another party that is also close in beliefs. Otherwise it is best to have your voice counted for what you actually believe in rather than attempting to ascertain the "least evil" of two bad candidates.

The only time you have 'wasted' your vote is if one of the parties agrees with you closely and you choose to vote for another party that is also close in beliefs. Otherwise it is best to have your voice counted for what you actually believe in rather than attempting to ascertain the "least evil" of two bad candidates.

Thats what I said quite awhile ago in this forum...and was lam blasted for saying I would choose to vote 3rd party if I was not happy with the two party candidates...I said it was not a wasted vote but a protest vote for my party 'American Independent' a conservative party akin to the old ... :moos: party of ole' Teddy!:cof1:
Me too, but i have had my fill of the neo con crowd and republicans by association for a while.
Just don't see any real good alternatives. But will vote for anyone who can beat the repubs in the nov election.

Yeah, the RP has committed suicide!
They tried to get Stormin' Norman to come on board but he ran for the door too.
Thats what I said quite awhile ago in this forum...and was lam blasted for saying I would choose to vote 3rd party if I was not happy with the two party candidates...I said it was not a wasted vote but a protest vote for my party 'American Independent' a conservative party akin to the old ... :moos: party of ole' Teddy!:cof1:

Damo probably saved your post, just waiting for the chance to repost it and claim it as his.

I noticed he does that with a lot of stuff you post. It's your crisp, witty and intelligent posting style.
Thats what I said quite awhile ago in this forum...and was lam blasted for saying I would choose to vote 3rd party if I was not happy with the two party candidates...I said it was not a wasted vote but a protest vote for my party 'American Independent' a conservative party akin to the old ... :moos: party of ole' Teddy!:cof1:

" Restore a debt free, interest free money system;" That would solve most of our problems!

Damo probably saved your post, just waiting for the chance to repost it and claim it as his.

I noticed he does that with a lot of stuff you post. It's your crisp, witty and intelligent posting style.

Is this a weak attempt to turn damo against me...I think not damo is smarter than that!:idea: :mun:
The only time you have 'wasted' your vote is if one of the parties agrees with you closely and you choose to vote for another party that is also close in beliefs. Otherwise it is best to have your voice counted for what you actually believe in rather than attempting to ascertain the "least evil" of two bad candidates.
BS Your philosophies stink,
BS Your philosophies stink,
Another well thought out spectacular post it is so clear why you think that. You spelled it out so succinctly.

Come on, old dude, give us an argument not a bumpersticker.

I can say, "No, you are wrong!"

Or, "Boy your opinion stinks!"

To everybody's post, but that isn't what people come here for.

A little bird told me that a discussion of the issues was what people want, why don't you jump in and participate in a discussion.

BTW - Contradiction of itself is not a logical position. Give me a reason why my "philosophy" stinks, not contradictory assertions. That is what a discussion on the 'issues' is all about.

Tell me why a person who otherwise wouldn't vote who creates a larger percentage for a third party has "thrown away" their vote.