American Officials: Whoops!

At least they did not vote for Kerry. And he lost by what percentage ?

This is a very good post, you are coming along? It is true, I was half and half about Bush by 2004, butt, what could I do? I was hoping the pinheaded dems would put up a candidate I could vote for, like a Zell Miller, or there was some talk of them pulling a reverse flip, and talking John McCain into running on the Democrat ticket, everyone knows how bad he wants to be President? Butt, instead of Miller or McCain they picked John Kerry, an actual Democrat, to head up the Democrat ticket, and then what choice did I have butt to vote for Bush and hope for the best? It just goes to show what fools the democrats are, nominating a democrat, when, if only they had nominated a republican, I and W crotch and who knows how many others could have voted for them? They are not exactly mensas, if you get my point?

You judgement was bad on which was the lesser of the two evils, yes perhaps you should not vote.

Only if you believe that Gore was the better of two evils. I may not vote again. The chances of either party nominating a candidate who defends the Constitution are pretty slim.
You judgement was bad on which was the lesser of the two evils, yes perhaps you should not vote.
which vote are you talking about 2000 or 2004?(I would agrre with the secind, and belatedly on the first. but Gore was and still is an absolute nothing.
Only if they have a chance of winning, otherwise you have wasted your vote.
No, you haven't. If you weren't going to vote at all. Participation by those who are not going to vote otherwise is never a 'wasted' vote if they actually indicate their concerns by choosing a third party.
So vote Constitutional Party.

I'd like to see the Constitution Party field a candidate but they'll probably just endorse the Republican candidate. I'm a registered republican because the RP does the best job of running the county where I live. On the national level, my vote is up for grabs.