Why Trump Won: Working-Class Whites
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn NOV. 9, 2016
Donald J. Trump won the presidency by riding an enormous wave of support among white working-class voters.
It was always a possibility, but it had always looked unlikely. Hillary Clinton led in nearly every national poll — and in other surveys in the states worth the requisite 270 electoral votes.
The traditional view of recent American elections gave even more reason to think Mrs. Clinton was safe. National exit polls suggested that President Obama won the 2012 presidential election despite faring worse among white voters than any Democrat since Walter Mondale. Those polls showed that white voters without a degree were now just one-third of the electorate. It was interpreted to mean that there was not much room for additional Democratic losses, especially once a white Democrat replaced Mr. Obama on the ballot.
The truth was that Democrats were far more dependent on white working-class voters than many believed.
In the end, the bastions of industrial-era Democratic strength among white working-class voters fell to Mr. Trump. So did many of the areas where Mr. Obama fared best in 2008 and 2012. In the end, the linchpin of Mr. Obama’s winning coalition broke hard to the Republicans.
The Wyoming River Valley of Pennsylvania — which includes Scranton and Wilkes-Barre — voted for Mr. Trump. It had voted for Mr. Obama by double digits.
Youngstown, Ohio, where Mr. Obama won by more than 20 points in 2012, was basically a draw. Mr. Trump swept the string of traditionally Democratic and old industrial towns along Lake Erie. Counties that supported Mr. Obama in 2012 voted for Mr. Trump by 20 points.
The rural countryside of the North swung overwhelmingly to Mr. Trump. Most obvious was Iowa, where Mr. Obama won easily in 2012 but where Mr. Trump prevailed easily. These gains extended east, across Wisconsin and Michigan to New England. Mr. Trump won Maine’s Second Congressional District by 12 points; Mr. Obama had won it by eight points.
These gains went far beyond what many believed was possible. But Mr. Obama was strong among white working-class Northerners, and that meant there was a lot of room for a Democrat to fall.
That fact was obscured by national exit polls that showed Mr. Obama faring worse among white voters than any Democratic nominee since 1984.
We already have a American White Voters Solidarity Movement. It's called the KKK, sponsored by the Republican Party.
So, the next time someone tries to tell you that Working Whites are a shrinking and unimportant Demographic...
just say
This is the Republican party, people. It is an illegitimate fascist organization which should be banned.
Trump Won a Lot of White Working-Class Voters Who Backed Obama
By Eric Levitz
So, it turns out it’s the apocalypse, at least in blue America. The polls were wrong, as were the pundits, as were the intuitions that optimistic progressives had about their country, as was I.
Tuesday’s result is as stunning as it is horrifying. The forecasts did not prepare liberals (and anti-Trumpers of other stripes) to face this storm. Few put their full imaginative energy into picturing what a world deformed by such winds would look like. Now, we’re suddenly forced to reconcile our understanding of the place we live with what we see out our window — the democratic endorsement of the vilest presidential campaign in modern American history.
There Are More White Voters Than People Think. That’s Good News for Trump.
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn JUNE 9, 2016
One of the biggest reasons Donald Trump is considered to be a long shot to win the presidency is the diversity of the country.
As Joe Scarborough of MSNBC put it, “There are not enough white voters in America for Donald Trump to win while getting routed among minorities.”
But a growing body of evidence suggests that there is still a path, albeit a narrow one, for Mr. Trump to win without gains among nonwhite voters.
New analysis by The Upshot shows that millions more white, older working-class voters went to the polls in 2012 than was found by exit polls on Election Day. This raises the prospect that Mr. Trump has a larger pool of potential voters than generally believed.
The wider path may help explain why Mr. Trump is competitive in early general election surveys against Hillary Clinton. And it calls into question the prevailing demographic explanation of recent elections, which held that Barack Obama did very poorly among whites and won only because young and minority voters turned out in record numbers. This story line led Republicans to conclude that they had maximized their support from white voters and needed to reach out to Hispanics to win in 2016.
Those previous conclusions emerged from exit polls released on election night. The new data from the census, voter registration files, polls and the finalized results tells a subtly different story with potential consequences for the 2016 election.
The data implies that Mr. Obama was not as weak among white voters as typically believed. He fared better than his predecessors among white voters outside the South. Demographic shifts weren’t so important: He would have been re-elected even with an electorate as old and white as it was in 2004. Latino voters did not put Mr. Obama over the top, as many argued in the days after Mr. Obama’s re-election. He would have won even if he had done as poorly among Latino voters as John Kerry.
American White Voters Solidarity Movement
The American White Voters Solidarity Movement and the principles on which it stands:[/SIZE]
Here is a bit of food for thought:
So, when was the last time Progressive had a serious policy debate with anyone about the benefits vs. destructive costs of Racial Preferences?
Well, since I am here, Boldly and Confidently advocating EQUAL rights for White Americans, I guess you're wrong about my lack of courage and ability...
Hmmmmm,.... I wonder just what else you might be wrong about?
Who is the Bigot? I am advocating Racial Equality and Racial Blindness with a principle guided stand against government institutionalized racial discrimination FOR or against anyone.
I am treating you with respect and dignity without racial slurs, profanity, or trumped up accusations of "RACISM".
As the Songstress opined, “Don’t mess with a Missionary Man”.
I oppose democracy.
This is the Republican party, people. It is an illegitimate fascist organization which should be banned.
Yea...cause we all know how ignorance makes you a better person!Truth? The very reason that Trump got the support of the Blue Collar and White Collar (apparently) "WORKING" men and women of this nation is exactly because they were never students subject to the modern left wing indoctrination camps called UNIVERSITIES. Its like Mr. Reagan is quoted as saying, "Its not that our liberal friends are lying....its just all the things THEY KNOW....are not truths." -- R. Reagan
He does but you may not like the answer.Democracy is not Freedom. Democracy is relinquishing Freedom to the Will of the Majority. So, instead of having one Monarch, or a small group of Masters and Overseers, we have a huge horde of democratically elected and appointed rulers. How is that better?
If "two heads are better than one" then it could be argued that 100,000,000 rulers are better than just a few. But, since those millions of voters don't really decide anything, just give their "vote power" to whatever coalition of power wins, we still get ruled over by a few well-connected rich and powerful masters.
The problem is, what better system can we replace it with? And, how can we remove our approval from the current system so that it fails?
The best solution we have found so far is Veto-Voting. If you can think of anything better, please let us know.