Mason Michaels
Verified User
The rightys are really wanting to kill liberals. You guys are sick. Get your nazi insignias that fit perfectly on your MAGA caps.
Now that's pretty close to what is going on.
The rightys are really wanting to kill liberals. You guys are sick. Get your nazi insignias that fit perfectly on your MAGA caps.
Not a valid comparison, unless one side was gunless.
Is this the left that doesn't have the White House,Senate or House.
But yet "every day the left demans another personal liberty be signed over to the state"!
How is the left doing that fuckhead?
Smoke and mirrors?
The Ad hominem personal attack? Ding, ding, game over. Look around the nation..... at all the ghetto shit holes....all liberal strong holds that have LEGISLATED personal freedom's and liberties away from the peoples. Its not rocket science....the more you legislate the more you dictate. The bigger the government the greater the Totalitarian despotism.
Back pedaling
Stop being racist, racist.
The Ad hominem personal attack? Ding, ding, game over. Look around the nation..... at all the ghetto shit holes....all liberal strong holds that have LEGISLATED personal freedom's and liberties away from the peoples. Its not rocket science....the more you legislate the more you dictate. The bigger the government the greater the Totalitarian despotism.
What a strange and idiotic response. Blacks are way over represented in infantry and combat. they have fought in the worst battles, then come home and get abused by Americans. That is another battle the right fights, the one against our own citizens for being insufficientltly like them. You guys may as well threaten the left too. it is your nature.
Funny how many of you rightys are black. That why you call yourself dark hole?
List Personal liberties taken away by local government.
They engage in war every day. But there would be no war if the left was actually series about an actual revolution. The majority of the wealth and military might has moved SOUTH.....the Red States would make short order of the ghetto trash. And the left knows this....thus, they use the only tool available, the freedom of speech to propagandize, its all they have....they have no real power.
Nice try, changing the subject. I responded to this though:
Racist prick.
You are so unAmerican. The left has never spent a second thing about something so stupid. The right, not the same.
Blacks are patriotic soldiers and Americans who fought for the county. They are mostly libs, the people you rightys want to wage war against And rightys claim they don't know how to use guns. No racism. you just cannot follow a subject.
Excuse time now. Here you are claiming that black veterans are mostly libs. How racist is that, racist?
Why have a civil war?
The nation should partition itself peacefully so that people who are so ideologically different that they can barely be described as being the same species don't have to share one another's laws and tax codes.
The idea of Massachusetts being part of the same country with crackers, shit kickers, bible-belt freaks, and other similar sub-species is offensive to me.
The influx of such contaminants is why we get Republican governors from time to time, not that they ever get any Republican state legislators with whom to work, thankfully.
Why have a civil war?
The nation should partition itself peacefully so that people who are so ideologically different that they can barely be described as being the same species don't have to share one another's laws and tax codes.
The idea of Massachusetts being part of the same country with crackers, shit kickers, bible-belt freaks, and other similar sub-species is offensive to me.
The influx of such contaminants is why we get Republican governors from time to time, not that they ever get any Republican state legislators with whom to work, thankfully.
The problem with that theory is that it wouldn't stay that way long.
You can have all the black freeloaders in my State. Feeding, housing, and clothing them will now be your problem.