Americans moving to Canada at 30 yr high

I checked on retiring in NZ it is hard to do....
They have an upper age limit for one thing.


That's so easy to get around. Think creatively.

Apply to be a PhD student at some university in New Zealand. Get a student visa. Pretend like you're hanging around there for 10 or 12 years working on a PhD. Lots of PhD students take years and years working on their Dissertation.


That's so easy to get around. Think creatively.

Apply to be a PhD student at some university in New Zealand. Get a student visa. Pretend like you're hanging around there for 10 or 12 years working on a PhD. Lots of PhD students take years and years working on their Dissertation.


Ohh, Well I just wanted to do it proper and legal and be a citizen.
I can't get a PHD beefore a degree anyway.
oooo ya sure.... ya bet ya..... canada, no thanks minnesota is canadian enough for me
Oh God Montana. Well, you are more than welcome.

I have an aunt who loves Montana. She visits there a lot and even purchased property there. So, you know, I am not she actually tells me that I should move to Montana because there are so many men there and I'd be "snapped up" in a minute. And be able to get married.

I've been proposed to, and by more than one man (cross my heart), but if you are not married and you are a woman, the whole world assumes that you are dying for the "Big chance". And I could not stop laughing, and I have had many good laughs with friends over the idea of me packing up my shit and hightailing it to Montana where I is going to be "snapped up" by some freak living in a shack armed to the teeth. Anyway, that's how I think about Montana.

Actually, Montana and most western states have a lot more women than men. If you want to get snapped up, it'd be best to move to the place with the largest disparity of sexes in the nation, Alaska. 35% women. You'd have no competition. There's also Mississippi, which has a simialar disparity.
Actually, Montana and most western states have a lot more women than men. If you want to get snapped up, it'd be best to move to the place with the largest disparity of sexes in the nation, Alaska. 35% women. You'd have no competition. There's also Mississippi, which has a simialar disparity.
Shutup! Don't be ruining my retirement spot!