What kid grows up idolizing those in the OP? It's very telling that Silly Rabbit didn't know about Unitas, Starr, Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, etc.
My question to you is what is the problem with multi-culturalism?
It forgot to include the white culture in it's teachings. This was a terrible blunder on it's part.
I grew up admiring the real life heroes, like Audie Murphy, Sgt York and yup I even liked to watch the andrew sisters perform. I wanted to be a cowboy until I realized I might have to be a texan
What exactly is "white culture" I guess I missed the indoctrination.
What exactly is "white culture" I guess I missed the indoctrination.
My parents, aunts, uncles and several of my teachers were my role models.
And an anti white male feminist like you was probably playing with dolls with the rest of the little girls when you were little while the public and private school system was teaching american kids who America's true heroes were while all the little boys went out and emulated them during their play times.
One of the main fairy tale teachings your people have propagandized in multiculturalism is that a white culture never existed and it's always been diverse featuring other cultures which is insane just like your people claiming that there never was an American culture because that was always diverse. But you never explain how all other cultures existed except the white one because that would be the definition of insanity itself if you even attempted to explain it.
You are a very confused old man.
You would bitch if the little girls weren't playing with dolls and were out emulating the "heroes" of war with the boys. You would claim the little girls were trying to feminize the boys.
I played with dolls and I also played football and built forts with the boys. I was an exception child.
And you also deny that there is a white European culture. There is a black African culture .. there is a non white central and south american Hispanic culture .. there is a Pacific Island culture .. there is a far east oriental culture .. there is a native american Indian culture .. there is a middle eastern Muslim culture but according to you, there is no white European culture.
According to me, American cultures adopted other cultures traditions, it is all part of the melting pot which is America.
The American culture adopted the white European culture because white Europeans started it - the culture - from Europe - and not from Africa - not from the far east - and not from the middle east. That is why you deny the existence of a unique american culture mainstream gold star mom form the burbs.
The country was founded by British protestants from Europe and the american culture had a moral foundation of the Hebrew Bible just like the white culture in Europe had where the American culture had originated.
Actually the continent had already been "founded" by the Native Americans and Mexicans, but you go right on believing it was the Europeans, lol
My American culture has traditions from many backgrounds!
You lie like a rug - gold star award winning planned child mother of the year, you are so full of it within that evil, twisted feminist mind of yours, you cannot acknowledge the founding of the U.S. by white Anglo Saxons and the Hebrew Bible at it's moral foundation as it was at Christendom's (Europe's) foundation.
You're a deliberate liar and you would never claim that any other non white culture ever existed because your target enemy remains as it has always been the white euro culture and especially the white male. And that is why you propagandize multiculturalism which is designed to destroy that culture while it celebrates all others.