America's Greatest Heroes Have All Been Dumpsterd By the Left And Multiculturalism.

You lie like a rug - gold star award winning planned child mother of the year, you are so full of it within that evil, twisted feminist mind of yours, you cannot acknowledge the founding of the U.S. by white Anglo Saxons and the Hebrew Bible at it's moral foundation as it was at Christendom's (Europe's) foundation.

You're a deliberate liar and you would never claim that any other non white culture ever existed because your target enemy remains as it has always been the white euro culture and especially the white male. And that is why you propagandize multiculturalism which is designed to destroy that culture while it celebrates all others.

Here's something that is going to really knot your white supremist world

In 2000, the Human Genome Project finally answered one of the most fundamental questions about race: What, if anything, is the genetic difference between people of different skin colors — black, white, Hispanic, Asian? The answer: nearly nothing. As it turns out, we all share 99.99 percent of the same genetic code — no matter our race — a fact that, geneticist J. Craig Venter claimed, proves that race is a “social concept, not a scientific one.”

Have a nice day!
You are the one who is ridiculous. This is a secular government founded by people trying to escape the likes of people such as yourself who wish to limits rights of others based on religion and race.

Your ideas are a thing of the past and thankfully so!

My ideas? The ideas of individual liberty, self determination, private property rights, classic liberal thought, natural born rights and the rights of life, liberty and property did not come from Indian tribal councils, they came from white men from Europe.
Here's something that is going to really knot your white supremist world

In 2000, the Human Genome Project finally answered one of the most fundamental questions about race: What, if anything, is the genetic difference between people of different skin colors — black, white, Hispanic, Asian? The answer: nearly nothing. As it turns out, we all share 99.99 percent of the same genetic code — no matter our race — a fact that, geneticist J. Craig Venter claimed, proves that race is a “social concept, not a scientific one.”

Have a nice day!

Oh she brings out the Nazi card! You are the child hostile feminist. You are the anti procreation feminist. And you are the pro immigration feminist. And another one of your lies is that america relied on mass immigration to regenerate and grow it's population when it never did anything of the sort. America's founders themselves frowned on immigration to grow the population and favored pro creation to grow the population within the country which is what you are opposed to to.
Oh she brings out the Nazi card! You are the child hostile feminist. You are the anti procreation feminist. And you are the pro immigration feminist. And another one of your lies is that america relied on mass immigration to regenerate and grow it's population when it never did anything of the sort. America's founders themselves frowned on immigration to grow the population and favored pro creation to grow the population within the country which is what you are opposed to to.

We are all immigrants, your relatives immigrated, as did mine. Making the claim that immigration did not benefit the USA is assinine.
We are all immigrants, your relatives immigrated, as did mine. Making the claim that immigration did not benefit the USA is assinine.

I said immigration was frowned on by the founders because they believed and supported the notion that America must pro create to grow it's population from within and not allow massive immigration FROM OTHER CULTURES which is what you support in order to continue a unique american culture.
We are all immigrants, your relatives immigrated, as did mine. Making the claim that immigration did not benefit the USA is assinine.

Well, the English ones were a lot more productive than the later waves of Germans, Irish, etc. that came following the Revolution, and throughout the 19th Century.