Ammo Company Tells Biden Supporters to Pound Sand

You even spelt all the words right, good job.

And in your instructional video you even moaned louder according to the size you inserted.

I was impressed by the 150 mm tank shell you inserted with Hoosier fag daddy's help it was impressive.
Especially considering there was no lube used other then Hoosiers saliva .
And in your instructional video you even moaned louder according to the size you inserted.

I was impressed by the 150 mm tank shell you inserted with Hoosier fag daddy's help it was impressive.
Especially considering there was no lube used other then Hoosiers saliva .

it was epic
I find it hard to believe that anyone who needs ammo would have been stupid enough to vote for Biden....

people who vote for biden may need ammo, but they are not in love with it and with guns generally. you little bitches have to carry a penis-extender to feel masculine enough to go to Krogers to stock up on midol and cucumbers for your at home sexual needs when you cannot catch a goat.

people who vote for biden may need ammo, but they are not in love with it and with guns generally. you little bitches have to carry a penis-extender to feel masculine enough to go to Krogers to stock up on midol and cucumbers for your at home sexual needs when you cannot catch a goat.

have you written a tutorial on what to do with cucumbers?.......I am not familiar with that sexual technique.....

by the way, no conservative would be caught dead wearing a hat like that.......has to be a lib'rul.....
people who vote for biden may need ammo, but they are not in love with it and with guns generally. you little bitches have to carry a penis-extender to feel masculine enough to go to Krogers to stock up on midol and cucumbers for your at home sexual needs when you cannot catch a goat.

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Charles Stewart, 1901.

What kind of minds post shit like you do?
I am not generally in favor of this sort of thing but when there is a group of people actively working to remove guns and ammo from the Little People so that they can abuse us more I say "Sure".

Leftys own lots of guns and many hunt. This is one shitty businessman.
The people who want to take guns away are a tiny group. Rightys cry and cry about guns being taken away. yet we now have more guns than people. We sell mega millions a year, yet rightys still cry. How many guns do we need before rightys can figure out the confiscation is for idiots to believe.
Leftys own lots of guns and many hunt. This is one shitty businessman.
The people who want to take guns away are a tiny group. Rightys cry and cry about guns being taken away. yet we now have more guns than people. We sell mega millions a year, yet rightys still cry. How many guns do we need before rightys can figure out the confiscation is for idiots to believe.

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OH! FUCKING WHOOPTIDDITY DOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you honestly think anyone gives one squirt of runny SHIT about this?

Fucking hilarious what makes your little sticker peck out!

Most gun owners buy Russian loads anyway because of how cheap that shit is- EVEN OUR MILITARY BUYS THE SHIT!

American ammo and guns are way too pricey!

Russian ammo sucks, all means keep buying it! :awesome:

I bought some Eastern Bloc stuff, it's terrible! I'll shoot it all up willy nilly next chance I get!
It stinks! Does not group at all like all my other ammo, either.
Pure D junk!
Gonna run that crap through a gun and be done with it.
Then I'll clean and use real ammo after that.