An article on the CT tragedy that actually makes sense.

Unloaded and lokced up is a good plan.

I cant tell you how many gun owners who have told me "locked away and unloaded would keep me from protecting myself".

I know you can't tell us because nobody has ever said that to you. Why do you left wingers feel the need to lie to bolster your arguments? You don't know shit about guns. You are trying to exploit this situation for your own political gain and that makes you a scumbag of monumental proportions. You are dancing on the graves of these poor innocent children. Now had they been ripped from their mothers vaginas with a vaccuum cleaner before ever taking a breath, you would just call it a choice.

Don't try to act like you have compassion for the deaths of innocent children. You do not. Fuck off
Dumbasses like you can't even figure out a way to keep illegal drugs and illegal immigrants from coming across our border. What makes you think you can stop illegal guns for those who want them?

Hey, MORON, it is your party which wants plenty of illegal aliens, to depress wages. You are either a liar, or so ignorant as to fall for the lies your party expresses. Either way, you lose.
yes it would have.

the boy took his mothers guns and killed her with them.

you are stupid.

You don't know what you are talking about. My guns are locked up at all times. I don't use thumb print scanner, but a four digit code. Nobody knows all of the facts yet here you are calling for restricting the rights of others.

Puddin gun control has been a losing issue for you demalquedacrats for years. Gabby Giffords didn't get you there. But you think dancing on the graves of 5 year olds will. It won't.
I know you can't tell us because nobody has ever said that to you. Why do you left wingers feel the need to lie to bolster your arguments? You don't know shit about guns. You are trying to exploit this situation for your own political gain and that makes you a scumbag of monumental proportions. You are dancing on the graves of these poor innocent children. Now had they been ripped from their mothers vaginas with a vaccuum cleaner before ever taking a breath, you would just call it a choice.

Don't try to act like you have compassion for the deaths of innocent children. You do not. Fuck off

Hardly moron. Even cops have been busted for having improperly stored weapons (after their children found them and used them)

You are just to stupid to create palatable lies for this audience. Fuck off and die.
Hardly moron. Even cops have been busted for having improperly stored weapons (after their children found them and used them)

You are just to stupid to create palatable lies for this audience. Fuck off and die.

MOre of that compassionate liberalism showing through douche bag?
you are stupid.

You don't know what you are talking about. My guns are locked up at all times. I don't use thumb print scanner, but a four digit code. Nobody knows all of the facts yet here you are calling for restricting the rights of others.

Puddin gun control has been a losing issue for you demalquedacrats for years. Gabby Giffords didn't get you there. But you think dancing on the graves of 5 year olds will. It won't.

how did any of this clap trap you spewed prove that the mother wasnt killed with her own guns?
how did any of this clap trap you spewed prove that the mother wasnt killed with her own guns?

I have reduced your dumb ass to posting random bullshit now? I never said she wasn't killed with her own gun. I said we don't know all of the facts. I know you libtardiots are big on jumping to conclusions which is why Jorge Zimmerman fears for his life, but some of us like to have all of the facts.

I don't know for a fact that it was her gun that killed her. That is what is being reported, but we all know the news doesn't get things 100% correct especially when they are all racing for a scoop.

Were her guns locked up? I don't know? What kind of gun safe did she use? Thumb print scanner? Electronic code? Key? Did the kid know how to get into the gun safe? If so then it wouldn't matter if they were locked up now would it? My wife and I are the only ones who know the combo to our gun safe. At night, I have my Mossberg cocked and locked by the bedside as we nestle down to sleep and in the morning it goes back in the safe.

My wife and I both have concealed carry permits and my wife and I actually carry a firearm holstered while in the house. Crazy you may say? But, how many home invasions happen and people are caught completely helpless. The police aren't going to help you. They are only going to come "investigate" after you have been violated.

You can be a two bit victim if you want, but don't allow your pussy views to impact the rest of us who want to be able to protect ourselves.

A Mother, a Gun Enthusiast and the First Victim


Published: December 15, 2012 279 Comments

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Nancy Lanza loved guns, and often took her sons to one of the shooting ranges here in the suburbs northeast of New York City, where there is an active community of gun enthusiasts, her friends said. At a local bar, she sometimes talked about her gun collection.

It was one of her guns that was apparently used to take her life on Friday. Her killer was her son Adam Lanza, 20, who then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 26 more people, 20 of them small children, before shooting himself, the authorities said.

A Mother, a Gun Enthusiast and the First Victim


Published: December 15, 2012 279 Comments

Single Page

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Nancy Lanza loved guns, and often took her sons to one of the shooting ranges here in the suburbs northeast of New York City, where there is an active community of gun enthusiasts, her friends said. At a local bar, she sometimes talked about her gun collection.

Associated Press

Adam Lanza in an undated group photo of the Newtown High School technology club, which appeared in the school's yearbook.

Newtown Shootings | The Victims

Graphic: The Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School


Children Were All Shot Multiple Times With a Semiautomatic, Officials Say (December 16, 2012)

In a Town of Traditions, Grief Engulfs Holiday Joy (December 16, 2012)

A Gunman, Recalled as Intelligent and Shy, Who Left Few Footprints in Life (December 15, 2012)

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It was one of her guns that was apparently used to take her life on Friday. Her killer was her son Adam Lanza, 20, who then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 26 more people, 20 of them small children, before shooting himself, the authorities said.

Your reading comprehension is lacking you dumb ass. Key word


A Mother, a Gun Enthusiast and the First Victim


Published: December 15, 2012 279 Comments

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Nancy Lanza loved guns, and often took her sons to one of the shooting ranges here in the suburbs northeast of New York City, where there is an active community of gun enthusiasts, her friends said. At a local bar, she sometimes talked about her gun collection.

It was one of her guns that was apparently used to take her life on Friday. Her killer was her son Adam Lanza, 20, who then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he killed 26 more people, 20 of them small children, before shooting himself, the authorities said.

I think I started this part of the argument by stating that the precautions I take would probably not have prevented the tragedy.

My point was not that the nutjob didn't get the gun he used from his mother. My point was that he could have killed her and used her thumbprint to retrieve the gun if it were stored like I store mine.
she taught her son how to kill those kids effectively

That is a gross oversimplification and misstatement. She taught her son to shoot. She taught him to safely handle firearms. Neither of those, in and of themselves, was wrong or bad.

The fact that her son was mentally ill and she did nothing is where she screwed up. That is the issue that should be addressed.