Wow. First off WB is not a Republican and did not vote for Romney. Secondly you have no idea what this woman's politics are not does it matter.
fucking labels.
You people hate your own people too.
do you think he votes for democratic candidates?
your all republicans becuse you will follow them blindly right into hell.
all this tea party crap, the libertarian crap, the independent crap......they mean nothing becuase all you end up doing is voting for republicans anyway.
Call yourself shirley temple fpor all I care, your voting for republicans
when all you do is vote for republicans and then call yourself something else I dont give a shit what you call your self.
Your promoting the republican platform
STFU asshole. guns are needed to protect us from tyrranical government
History. Every tyrannical gubmint came to fruition under an unarmed electorate.You tell 'em.
List the many times when guns owned by private citizens protected "us from tyrranical (sic) government".
Unloaded and lokced up is a good plan.
I cant tell you how many gun owners who have told me "locked away and unloaded would keep me from protecting myself".
Hardly moron. Even cops have been busted for having improperly stored weapons (after their children found them and used them)
You are just to stupid to create palatable lies for this audience. Fuck off and die.
I don't belong to a party.
Your party worships government.
I worship Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.