An article on the CT tragedy that actually makes sense.

are you SO naive that you think merely asking them to not report the story or some parts of it so we dont hear it would EVER be a reasonable solution?

Did the news see fit to report this ....

Beneath the expressions of grief, sorrow and disbelief over the Connecticut school massacre lies an uneasy truth in Washington: over the last few years the Obama administration and Congress quietly let federal funding for several key school security programs lapse in the name of budget savings.

Government officials told the Washington Guardian on Friday night that two Justice Department programs that had provided more than $200 million to schools for training, security equipment and police resources over the last decade weren't renewed in 2011 and 2012, and that a separate program that provided $800 million to put police officers inside the schools was ended a few years earlier.
Meanwhile, the administration eliminated funding in 2011-12 for a separate Education Department program that gave money to schools to prepare for mass tragedies, the officials said.

Guess not....they're agenda is more in line with repealing the Second Amendment and and because of a few mentally ill killers, take away the rights of
100's of millions of other law abiding citizens....while protecting Obama and Democrats at all costs.
They're funny like that.
no one is advocating taking all guns

There are those that do. But, lets stop playing games. What are you advocating? What in the current state of gun laws in your mind is not effective?

What would have prevented this since you claim that it is your goal to prevent these types of events from occurring?
Well, I'm sure it's a really, really, long, list, so it would take Tin a long, long, time to make it.
What's so hard to understand here?

Gubmints where the citizens are all armed have better sense than to try that bullshit. They must disarm them FIRST.

Every dictatorship has come to fruition under an unarmed electorate.

Armed citizens are a deterrent to tyranny.

Refute that.
we can help by no longer worshiping guns and their power.

Fox news and people on the right act like guns are toys and harmless sport accessories
And you act like EVERY gun is just one short day away from killing someone. Far more people own guns, including "assault rifles" and NEVER do horrible things with them. Why is it impossible to acknowledge that?
no one is advocating taking all guns
This is very true. This morning on Meet the Press, Sen. Feinstein was on and she said that her office is basically re-authoring the 1994 Assault Weapons Bans. This legislation will pass, particularly in light of this most recent tragic event. William Bennett was on MTP this morning and said he SUPPORTED that legislation. Feinstein was quick to point out that the NRA never challenged the 94 legislation in the Supreme Court because they knew it would stand. In response to that Bennett agreed and said he did not think that the Founders intended that citizens owned weapons like assault weapons. I would say it is a forgone conclusion that "assault weapons" will be banned. Which will get them out of the hands of criminals just like drug bans have stopped everyone from using drugs.
This is very true. This morning on Meet the Press, Sen. Feinstein was on and she said that her office is basically re-authoring the 1994 Assault Weapons Bans. This legislation will pass, particularly in light of this most recent tragic event. William Bennett was on MTP this morning and said he SUPPORTED that legislation. Feinstein was quick to point out that the NRA never challenged the 94 legislation in the Supreme Court because they knew it would stand. In response to that Bennett agreed and said he did not think that the Founders intended that citizens owned weapons like assault weapons. I would say it is a forgone conclusion that "assault weapons" will be banned. Which will get them out of the hands of criminals just like drug bans have stopped everyone from using drugs.

I never like the reasoning that criminals will always get certain guns, so why ban them? First, I don't really think it's pervasively true. And second, it comes down to what our priorities are as a country. If the majority of citizens don't want assault weapons to be readily available, then they shouldn't be readily available.
I never like the reasoning that criminals will always get certain guns, so why ban them? First, I don't really think it's pervasively true. And second, it comes down to what our priorities are as a country. If the majority of citizens don't want assault weapons to be readily available, then they shouldn't be readily available.

So you are saying the majority should always get its way?
I never like the reasoning that criminals will always get certain guns, so why ban them? First, I don't really think it's pervasively true. And second, it comes down to what our priorities are as a country. If the majority of citizens don't want assault weapons to be readily available, then they shouldn't be readily available.
Ok, so Mexico bans ALL GUNS. Yet the cartels have all manner of automatic weapons. Granted, Operation Gun Runner is responsible for many of weapons being there, the truth is the ban in Mexico has not worked at all. Beginning in 1920, the US banned ALL ALCOHOL, yet criminals had all the alcohol you could want. For the last 4 decades we have made possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth etc. Whataya know? It is almost as easy to get any of those as it is to get a six pack of beer. Tell me one time that a ban has succeeded in curing the perceived evil and also had no serious unintended consequences? The American mafia only because the power it is now through prohibition. Before that they were a small time numbers and protection racket. The mexican cartels are wealthy because we make drugs illegal. Bans fail, they always have and always will.
Ok, so Mexico bans ALL GUNS. Yet the cartels have all manner of automatic weapons. Granted, Operation Gun Runner is responsible for many of weapons being there, the truth is the ban in Mexico has not worked at all. Beginning in 1920, the US banned ALL ALCOHOL, yet criminals had all the alcohol you could want. For the last 4 decades we have made possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth etc. Whataya know? It is almost as easy to get any of those as it is to get a six pack of beer. Tell me one time that a ban has succeeded in curing the perceived evil and also had no serious unintended consequences? The American mafia only because the power it is now through prohibition. Before that they were a small time numbers and protection racket. The mexican cartels are wealthy because we make drugs illegal. Bans fail, they always have and always will.

So gun-grabbers should move to Mexico?