The ones who jump on any tragedy in a play to disarm us.Really?
Who are these "tyranny-craving leftards"?
Make a list.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste"
The ones who jump on any tragedy in a play to disarm us.Really?
Who are these "tyranny-craving leftards"?
Make a list.
An armed citizenry is a deterrent. Hence, no dictatorship has existed when citizens were armed.Likewise.
I didn't think you could do it.
An armed citizenry is a deterrent. Hence, no dictatorship has existed when citizens were armed. Sliced and diced.
talking about this tradgedy is NOT equal to banning all guns.
stop being stupid
The ones who jump on any tragedy in a play to disarm us.
Damn, is everyone on this board this stupid???So you have no names.
I didn't think you did.
Damn, is everyone on this board this stupid???
Cuz you are one dense mofo.
An armed citizenry is a deterrent. Hence, no dictatorship has existed when citizens were armed.
Sliced and diced.
...basically just trolls all the time.
Damn, is everyone on this board this stupid???
legion currently does not support banning guns or taking away the more than 250 million guns that already belong to the people. (88 guns per 100 people in the united states)
legion absolutely stands by those 88 guns per 100 people being still allowed to be possessed, and he does not favor banning guns. He is on record saying this.
And you don't?
And you don't?
Wrong, well over 300 million.
is this a tacit admission that you troll?
Syria's listed as a dictatorship and citizens are armed. Go to that website, plug in a few dictatorship countries, and then get back to us.
well the last stat I saw was 88 per 100 people and we have about ~300 million citizens. but in any case, it's a lot.
And you? The same.
The majority of Americans want stricter gun controls.
The majority of Americans want the right to vote without disenfranchisement.
The majority of Americans favor gay marriage.
The majority of Americans think tax hikes for the rich.
The majority of Americans blame republicans for the financial meltdown.
The majority of Americans SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT.
So kindly fuck off.