An example of government over regulation

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
The EPA has just enacted regulations that hold large warehouses responsible for pollution from sources associated with them like trucks that load and unload at said warehouses.

The utter stupidity of this is it amounts to double counting. The vehicles and such are already regulated on how much pollution they can produce. The EPA is now saying not only will the vehicles be regulated but where they operate (warehouses) will be further regulated as well. The EPA's argument is one of where the pollution is being created rather than one of how much.

Of course, the EPA gratuitously tossed in that "neighborhoods with people of color" are being most impacted, as if that makes any sense.

The real reason the EPA is doing this is to force shippers and warehouses to switch to EV trucks.

Another day, another government overreach using stupidity.
EV trucks are expensive, inefficient and tear up the roads. They will doom the supply chain when they go down in cold temperatures.
Prices of goods will skyrocket.
But this is the stupid shit Democrats do.
Can you imagine how much electricity a Truck stop would use. Our grid cannot handle it.
It's simply not practical. Semis don't have the time to spend hours recharging their trucks every 200 miles, and the weight of the batteries only takes away from payload.

It's not even about the load on the grid (though you are correct).
Democrats never think ahead.
Democrats never think.

Behind...ahead...the current moment...makes no difference.

They deny history (even recent history). They deny what's right in front of them. They deny even their own posts! They make Doom and Gloom predictions to push their religion (sound familiar?).

The Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, the Church of Hate; they are all the same Democrats and leftists.

ALL of these religions stem from the Church of Karl Marx. For ALL of them, the 'solution' is always the same. Destroy capitalism and implement fascism, communism, and slavery by force and tyranny.
The utter stupidity of this is it amounts to double counting. The vehicles and such are already regulated on how much pollution they can produce.

When were those standards set? Because if they were set a long time ago, it was past due for them to be revised.

Amazon can very easily switch to an all-electric fleet to meet those regulations, and bonus points for all the jobs that will be created manufacturing those trucks and vehicles.

So why are you opposed to creating jobs?
The EPA has just enacted regulations that hold large warehouses responsible for pollution from sources associated with them like trucks that load and unload at said warehouses.

The utter stupidity of this is it amounts to double counting. The vehicles and such are already regulated on how much pollution they can produce. The EPA is now saying not only will the vehicles be regulated but where they operate (warehouses) will be further regulated as well. The EPA's argument is one of where the pollution is being created rather than one of how much.

Of course, the EPA gratuitously tossed in that "neighborhoods with people of color" are being most impacted, as if that makes any sense.

The real reason the EPA is doing this is to force shippers and warehouses to switch to EV trucks.

Another day, another government overreach using stupidity.
If you ever walked thru a large parking lot at say a football game full of buses running their engines to keep the buses warm you’d know this is not an irrational concern. I could easy see a fleet of trucks doing the same at a large warehouse complex thereby causing similar air problems for nearby residents

EPA is only proving the means for those residents to take action, it is not enforcing the regulation itself, the Court decides that

Amazing what some don’t understand regarding regulation
The utter stupidity of this is it amounts to double counting. The vehicles and such are already regulated on how much pollution they can produce. The EPA is now saying not only will the vehicles be regulated but where they operate (warehouses) will be further regulated as well. The EPA's argument is one of where the pollution is being created rather than one of how much.
Seems like the correct way to go about it.
I also don't believe that electric vehicles are yet technically developed enough to take over
either personal transportation or commercial hauling.

However, the American corporate private sector is so shamefully UNDER-REGULATED
that I'm not taking sides against government regulation in almost any situation,
less I give encouragement to the fucking idiots trying to destroy the regulatory function
of the American government altogether.
ie, MAGAts.

Well, they do want to regulate women's bodies, but other than that....
The EPA has just enacted regulations that hold large warehouses responsible for pollution from sources associated with them like trucks that load and unload at said warehouses.

The utter stupidity of this is it amounts to double counting. The vehicles and such are already regulated on how much pollution they can produce. The EPA is now saying not only will the vehicles be regulated but where they operate (warehouses) will be further regulated as well. The EPA's argument is one of where the pollution is being created rather than one of how much.

Of course, the EPA gratuitously tossed in that "neighborhoods with people of color" are being most impacted, as if that makes any sense.

The real reason the EPA is doing this is to force shippers and warehouses to switch to EV trucks.

Another day, another government overreach using stupidity.
Find one example of government under-regulating something.

We need Musk in the cabinet.