An example of government over regulation

You're always wrong.


Everything you say is always wrong.

How is it possible to be wrong about everything all the time?

You'd think you'd at least get SOMETHING right for once, just by chance. But you can't. You just can't.

That's probably because you're a fucking moron.

I am not wrong. Semi EVs are impractical. Taking hours to recharge them every 200 miles is not practical. The heavy weight of the batteries reduce usable payload and is not practical.

The SDTC cannot change that.

Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Barny Frank praised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. and said they were solid.
They were solid in 2001 when that clip is from.

They were solid in 2002 and 2003.

They became destabilized in 2004 because Bush forced them to start underwriting subprime loans, reversing a rule Clinton had in place in 2000 that prevented GSE's from taking on those risky loans.

You have no idea what you're talking about because you're a goddamned fucking moron.
They were solid in 2001 when that clip is from.

They were solid in 2002 and 2003.

They became destabilized in 2004 because Bush forced them to start underwriting subprime loans, reversing a rule Clinton had in place in 2000 that prevented GSE's from taking on those risky loans.

You have no idea what you're talking about because you're a goddamned fucking moron.
No, you cannot blame Bush for Clinton's problem.
They were solid in 2001 when that clip is from.

They were solid in 2002 and 2003.

They became destabilized in 2004 because Bush forced them to start underwriting subprime loans, reversing a rule Clinton had in place in 2000 that prevented GSE's from taking on those risky loans.

You have no idea what you're talking about because you're a goddamned fucking moron.
Bush warned you in 2001. You think this shit happened over night?
Taking hours to recharge them every 200 miles is not practical. The heavy weight of the batteries reduce usable payload and is not practical.

What are you fucking talking about? The trucks trade off the trailers at the stops along the way. That's how Amazon does this.

Everything. You say. Is ALWAYS wrong.

Which is why we need a smart grid,
Buzzword fallacy. Electrical distribution systems are already computerized.
which we should have had 24 years ago had FL been allowed to continue counting votes.
The government doesn't build the electrical system.
FL ignored the popular vote (which failed) that year and chose their electors by legislative action. That's perfectly legal.
The batteries and the motor are made in China, dumbass.

Everything you say is always wrong.

Bush warned you in 2001. You think this shit happened over night?


No, he didn't warn anyone. In fact, housing wasn't even his focus in 2001, that was the tax cut that ended up, in part, causing a recession a few years later.

Clinton handed Bush a strong housing market with few if any delinquencies, and Bush turned that into the subprime mortgage crisis because like you, he is also a dumb fuck.