An example of government over regulation

I'm not the one who claimed the 2020 election was stolen for two straight months and then chickened out on the one day something could have been done about it.

Oh you mean the talking pig in a pant suit who was claiming as late as 2023 that trump was an illegitimate president. You are proud of your stupidity. Good for you pussy.

You're the only bitch here.
Amazon does use electric trucks in some areas for deliveries. This makes essentially doubling the fleet necessary, since half of it is on the charger while drivers are out making delivers in the other half.
I guess someone should tell Amazon that half their trucks aren't on the road during the day because Into the Night said so.

Let's do some simple math.
Assume an Amazon delivery vehicle makes 24 stops an hour with one half mile between stops, drives 20 miles to the first stop and 20 miles home from the last one. That means in a 10 hour day, the vehicle will have traveled 160 miles. OMG.. That is about 100 miles less than the electric vehicle can travel in a day. How could Into the Night being such a smart guy not do the math? They work a 10 hour day, charge the vehicle over night and can do a 10 hour day the next day. A lot of the routes will probably do 100 miles or less in a day if they correctly route the vehicle for 300 stops in a day.


Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.

They pretended to be working it out with the banks how to be able to implement the oversight

Republican deregulation at any cost

They will do anything to not regulate the money people

Then the economy always crashes from their stupid ideas

The wealthy love a boom and bust economy

They make money when it’s going up and down

Regular joes get fucked hard in that cycle

They make money in a stable economy

The money people make money in a stable economy too

But they MAKE MORE in an up and down economy

So they fuck everybody just to make more money

Let’s force them to accept just making money in a stable economy

Oh the horror huh you Russian whore bot holes
Elon Musk is one of the stupidest people to ever live.

Like, he is actually very dumb. Not a smart man at all. Incredibly stupid. Buying Twitter for $45B was incredibly stupid.
He has an inability to understand other humans

He is in the spectrum

These type of people are easy to manipulate

Certain entities are using this guy

He’s in a cult
I am not wrong. Semi EVs are impractical. Taking hours to recharge them every 200 miles is not practical. The heavy weight of the batteries reduce usable payload and is not practical.

The SDTC cannot change that.

Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
The right is at maximum lie factor

When you begin to use lies to defend something you have to tell lies to defend that first lie

At some point you are committed to nothing but lie after lie

Then you reach maximum lie factor

Nothing but lies

Some idiots think a lie is only wrong because many religions consider it a sin

They never think any deeper than that

There are reasons many religions consider it a sin

Because it’s a path to stupidity and failure
The right is at maximum lie factor

When you begin to use lies to defend something you have to tell lies to defend that first lie

At some point you are committed to nothing but lie after lie

Then you reach maximum lie factor

Nothing but lies

Some idiots think a lie is only wrong because many religions consider it a sin

They never think any deeper than that

There are reasons many religions consider it a sin

Because it’s a path to stupidity and failure