An example of government over regulation

Barney Frank
Barney Frank opposed the deregulation Bush the Dumber and Conservatives did.

And Bush the Dumber's OWN PEOPLE were telling Barney Frank in 2003 that there was no danger to the system posed by subprime mortgage securitiy deregulation. But of course that was a lie because Conservatives lie. It's all they know how to do and JD Vance proved it.
Guess how we got the 2008 crash dip shit

No bank regulations via Bush and republicans
hey my signature is gone

In it was the link to Republicans admitting the deregulated the banks through faking talks with the banks for eight years to keep in forcement of rules stalled
When were those standards set? Because if they were set a long time ago, it was past due for them to be revised.
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, dumb Cat.
Amazon can very easily switch to an all-electric fleet to meet those regulations,
Amazon does use electric trucks in some areas for deliveries. This makes essentially doubling the fleet necessary, since half of it is on the charger while drivers are out making delivers in the other half.

An EV semi truck is not practical, and is not used by Amazon.
and bonus points for all the jobs that will be created manufacturing those trucks and vehicles.
Jobs in China.
So why are you opposed to creating jobs?
Jobs in China.
If you ever walked thru a large parking lot at say a football game full of buses running their engines to keep the buses warm you’d know this is not an irrational concern. I could easy see a fleet of trucks doing the same at a large warehouse complex thereby causing similar air problems for nearby residents
Trucks don't idle at warehouses, Anchovies.
EPA is only proving the means for those residents to take action, it is not enforcing the regulation itself, the Court decides that
The EPA is unconstitutional.
Amazing what some don’t understand regarding regulation
Of what, Anchovies?
This makes essentially doubling the fleet necessary, since half of it is on the charger while drivers are out making delivers in the other half.

Sounds perfectly OK. Also, sounds like job creation since someone will need to manufacture all these EV's.

Lucky for you, Amazon has entered into a partnership with Rivian to do just that. And Jon Ossoff had a lot to do with it.
Barney Frank opposed the deregulation Bush the Dumber and Conservatives did.

And Bush the Dumber's OWN PEOPLE were telling Barney Frank in 2003 that there was no danger to the system posed by subprime mortgage securitiy deregulation. But of course that was a lie because Conservatives lie. It's all they know how to do and JD Vance proved it.
Barny Frank praised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. and said they were solid. That fat bastard Frank denied that but we have video showing otherwise. GW Bush warned Americans in 2001.
A timeline that has not been taken down YET.

An EV semi truck is not practical, and is not used by Amazon.
You're always wrong.


Everything you say is always wrong.

How is it possible to be wrong about everything all the time?

You'd think you'd at least get SOMETHING right for once, just by chance. But you can't. You just can't.

That's probably because you're a fucking moron.
