An example of government over regulation

When were those standards set? Because if they were set a long time ago, it was past due for them to be revised.

Why? Because they can be? The EPA did that with drinking water standards back in the Clinton administration. The standard up through the 90's was 50 ppb arsenic in drinking water. Arsenic is dangerous at like 100 to 1000 times that level, like is found in water in say, Bangladesh.

The EPA changed the standard to 10 ppb because there was now test equipment (expensive test equipment) that could accurately measure that miniscule an amount of arsenic in water. No other reason. Drinking water was safe before and the change made ZERO difference.

What it did do was for about half the US, mostly in the West where ground water is a common source, as double to triple people's water bills overnight. Water companies had to buy the expensive test equipment and often had to install expensive filtration systems to get under the new limit.

The EPA is regularly full of shit when they come out with some new regulation reducing pollution backed by utterly crap science they refuse to show Congress or the public. So, just because they say something doesn't mean it's what we should accept or do.
Amazon can very easily switch to an all-electric fleet to meet those regulations, and bonus points for all the jobs that will be created manufacturing those trucks and vehicles.

No, they can't. Vehicles cost money. Switching means installing charging systems, possibly altering routes and such, and other changes all of which cost money. They aren't creating new jobs either. There will be jobs lost and replaced by other jobs. Manufacturing those trucks means fewer ICE trucks are made. It's all a wash.
Aside from that, the mounting evidence--damn near overwhelming at this point--is EV's are more costly, create just as much or more pollution, even if it's different pollution, and the infrastructure to support them is unaffordable.
So why are you opposed to creating jobs?
Complex question fallacy. But to answer that, I'm not opposed to creating jobs, but going green doesn't do that. At most it simply shifts jobs and often results in ones of lower pay and less stability.
Well that's because they are and the data shows that.

It's no big surprise that minority neighborhoods usually bear the brunt of shit like this.
Bullshit. The EPA often just makes up their data. They often refuse to show it to congress or the public.

The EPA says they have to work in secret or the data they use could be compromised. They're full of shit.
Elon Musk is one of the stupidest people to ever live.

Like, he is actually very dumb. Not a smart man at all. Incredibly stupid. Buying Twitter for $45B was incredibly stupid.

Elon Musk's IQ Score​

Based on various sources, Elon Musk’s IQ is estimated to be between 150 and 160, with some sources citing 155 as a more precise estimate. This range places him among the top 2% of the population in terms of intelligence quotient.

Key Points

  • Musk’s IQ is reportedly higher than average, with estimates ranging from 150 to 160.
  • His cognitive abilities are considered exceptional, allowing him to think creatively and find innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • His brain is capable of assimilating information that others may not, making his thoughts original and cutting-edge.
  • While there is no publicly available official IQ score, these estimates are based on expert opinions and assessments of his achievements and abilities.
Note: IQ scores are not always definitive or universally agreed upon, and individual differences in cognitive abilities can be complex and multifaceted.

Source: Brave AI
Amazon and USPS have been using EV trucks for at least 5 years.
An 18 wheeler EV would be so heavy it could plow through Mt Rushmore. Charging stations and the electric grid cannot handle much more.
Our roads are crumbling as it is. The weight of EV's will exacerbate the decay. It is known that during extreme cold conditions battery life declines and recharging is also a problem.
And you want our transportation and logistics systems to go EV.
Not too bright!

Elon Musk's IQ Score​

Based on various sources, Elon Musk’s IQ is estimated to be between 150 and 160, with some sources citing 155 as a more precise estimate. This range places him among the top 2% of the population in terms of intelligence quotient.

Key Points

  • Musk’s IQ is reportedly higher than average, with estimates ranging from 150 to 160.
  • His cognitive abilities are considered exceptional, allowing him to think creatively and find innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • His brain is capable of assimilating information that others may not, making his thoughts original and cutting-edge.
  • While there is no publicly available official IQ score, these estimates are based on expert opinions and assessments of his achievements and abilities.
Note: IQ scores are not always definitive or universally agreed upon, and individual differences in cognitive abilities can be complex and multifaceted.

Source: Brave AI
IQ is a meaningless number.

Elon Musk, however, is quite capable of making money. His successful expansion of Tesla, the SpaceX work (some amazing stuff!), and even X is making money.

Orange Cat is just jealous.
He's jealous of Trump as well.
An 18 wheeler EV would be so heavy it could plow through Mt Rushmore. Charging stations and the electric grid cannot handle much more.
Our roads are crumbling as it is. The weight of EV's will exacerbate the decay. It is known that during extreme cold conditions battery life declines and recharging is also a problem.
And you want our transportation and logistics systems to go EV.
Not too bright!
The weight of an EV truck cannot exceed the loaded weight of a non-EV truck. This means that EV trucks will carry less load when that load is heavy, say like a flatbed trailer rig hauling steel. The GVW will be the same, but the EV truck will be hauling less steel. That will raise the cost of shipping heavy items by truck. On long haul routes EV trucks will take longer to make the trip than ICE trucks would. That will raise the cost of such shipping. Team driving is impossible with an EV truck, or nearly so.
The weight of an EV truck cannot exceed the loaded weight of a non-EV truck. This means that EV trucks will carry less load when that load is heavy, say like a flatbed trailer rig hauling steel. The GVW will be the same, but the EV truck will be hauling less steel. That will raise the cost of shipping heavy items by truck. On long haul routes EV trucks will take longer to make the trip than ICE trucks would. That will raise the cost of such shipping. Team driving is impossible with an EV truck, or nearly so.
I hear the reverberations of the word 'inflation' . Democraps are really good at that.
He has an inability to understand other humans

He is in the spectrum

These type of people are easy to manipulate

Certain entities are using this guy

He’s in a cult
He's not on the spectrum, he's just an asshole.

I wish people would stop using autism as an excuse for abhorrent and antisocial behavior in rich people.
Attempted force of proof in open functional system.
Lithium batteries are made in China. So are the motor assemblies.
So you can't prove it because you're lying and everything you say is always wrong.


You're "creating stories".

Lithium batteries are ALSO made in South Korea by Samsung, and that's who Rivian uses like they say on their website.
Don't try to blame your problem on anybody else, Sybil.

It's totally not at all suspicious that this ID of yours shows up when the other ID of yours gets ridiculed for being wrong about everything and replying to posts that quote your other ID.

So basically, because you're sloppy, everyone knows your socks. Your desperate socks.
Bulverism fallacy.
No, you just got proven wrong because everything you say is wrong or a lie.

It is the Conservative instinct to lie because there is nothing about Conservatism or the people who dogmatically believe in that shit, that is worth defending on its merits.

That's why you can't defend any of Trump's failed policies...they have no merits and neither do you. So that's why you retreat to your socks...every post reminds you just how wrong you are about everything. EVERYTHING.

You'd figure you'd at least be right ONCE but you're not. You've never been.