Shaken, not stirred!
Stockholm Syndrome? Is that a real thing?
Apparently so. In this case, I would call it the 'Phyllis Schlafly Syndrome'.
Stockholm Syndrome? Is that a real thing?
Right. That's why the ones who hate that sort of thing will be voting for Trump.
Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
The Repubs are pushing for a police state to enforce their anti-choice beliefs. They want to come between a woman and her doctor. They are intimidating doctors into not treating women who have pregnancy complications because the cops can charge them and the Reds can take their jobs away. The police have the power to investigate miscarriages and determine if it was a failed abortion. You know there will be mistakes and innocent girls will go to jail. Innocent doctors will too. The most private parts of a girl's life will be under scrutiny. Mistakes will be made.
The Repubs push the most invasive police powers imaginable.
They will take away a woman's rights to her own body, and her own decisions and impose the power of the police over their personal lives. They will do it even though their policies are backed by a minority of the citizens.
You are largely describing Democrats, once again.
How is nationalism "white" or "Christian"?
Your racism and bigotry are showing once again...
Would some American woman explain to me why they would vote for a political party that slowly strips away their individual rights to self determination? I'll wait.![]()
what political party is slowly stripping rights from women?
American women who support the misogynist SCOTUS decision to repeal Roe v. Wade,
and this would include the truly despicable Amy Coney Barrett herself,
most likely the least qualified justice in the history of the court,
are people whom American women of true quality and character
must loathe passionately.
History will record the anti-choice women as a group
less sympathetically that it has recorded the commandants of Nazi concentrations camps, possibly,
and perhaps it's only right that it does so.
Female proponents of Handmaid Tale oppression of women cannot be respectable women
by the standards of enlightened, intellectual, and moral people.
Male proponents also fall in that same despised category as well, of course,
but the women somehow seem even more pathetically deficient.
And let's not forget that they would create a version of old Communist East Germany, where citizens were encouraged/coerced into informing on each other.
You would have to be, apparently, much smarter than you are
to recognize that everything off your keyboard
is mindless bullshit.
I get it, democrats are STRONGLY opposed to free and fair elections.
You're not going to let the people VOTE on something important like abortion - you hate actual democracy. Your Reich will tell everyone what they will do.
I mean, you ARE fucking Nazis, after all - in reality.
Yup. Those people are colloquially referred to as Democrats.
Yup. Democrats are already planning this via a digitally based 'carbon credit' system.
It has nothing to do with abortions.
Democrats have already done and continue to do this.
In my best Sheldon Cooper impersonation:
"And of course, the answer is: The Democrat Party."
And the maga cretins didn't learn from 2022
Assclowns like you LOVE abortion.
You just prefer to wait until the "fetuses" are school age so you can gun them down at school with your AR15.
You would have to be, apparently, much smarter than you are
to recognize that everything off your keyboard
is mindless bullshit.
Take a wild guess. Hint: what was the political leanings of the SCOTUS members who voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade? What are the political affiliations of state governor's who are implementing additional punitive actions against women who seek abortion under any circumstance (barring imminent death of the pregnant woman?
Then there's stuff like this: The U.S. remains the only country among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 member states without mandated paid leave for new parents, despite the fact that more than 80 percent of Americans support such a policy and only 60 percent of current workers are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act’s guaranteed unpaid leave. At the same time, workforce participation plummeted during the pandemic, with women’s unemployment and nonparticipation nearly double that of men in 2020. https://msmagazine.com/2023/05/15/pa...uctive-rights/
Go ahead, take a wild guess!
Abortion isn't a "right." It isn't enumerated in the Constitution as one. It is no more a right than education, income security, healthcare, or anything else that actually costs money and is only available to some portion of the population.
Abortion can be legal or illegal, but it isn't an inalienable right.
That argument to popularity in a grotesquely biased magazine not withstanding.