An honest question.

1. Please put on your socks and shoes, toddle down to your local library and research "Southern Strategy" and it's historical relationship with former President Richard Nixon.

2. Please provide the link to the valid source you used to make this claim. We'll wait.

3. In case you've been living in a cave for the last half century, it's one of the premier legal/social contentions in this country. The OP alludes to it without spelling it out. But since you're not savvy as to what's currently going on around you, I'll clarify: Why would a woman vote for the current Republican party who celebrated the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and who has Red State governors adding further "restrictions" regarding abortion?

4. See #2. Also, what valid sources can you link that have Democrats doing what Evince SARCASTICALLY referred?
Why would a sane woman want to murder her own child?
What do you consider "civilized status?"

For example, I consider full blown socialism, along with its more virulent cousin communism, to be forms of slavery. I think a nation where every dispute has to be settled by lawyers and judges to be uncivilized.

And, I've been to Scandinavia more than once...

It is YOU that treks through the world with serious limitations. I suggest you NEVER go to roughly two-thirds of the nations on this planet because you are going to be a victim if you do.

Unlike you, in all probability, I've been to very unwelcoming parts of the world and managed to survive.
You should think before you type, TAG.
Buffoon is a moron that compares an auto accident with a violent murder with a knife

Yeah I'm sure Mary jo's family felt much better knowing that a drunk tex Kennedy left her in the car after he drove it off a bridge instead of killing her with a knife. How fucking stupid are you exactly?