An honest question.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Take a wild guess. Hint: what was the political leanings of the SCOTUS members who voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade? What are the political affiliations of state governor's who are implementing additional punitive actions against women who seek abortion under any circumstance (barring imminent death of the pregnant woman?

Then there's stuff like this: The U.S. remains the only country among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 member states without mandated paid leave for new parents, despite the fact that more than 80 percent of Americans support such a policy and only 60 percent of current workers are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act’s guaranteed unpaid leave. At the same time, workforce participation plummeted during the pandemic, with women’s unemployment and nonparticipation nearly double that of men in 2020.

Go ahead, take a wild guess!

democrats.............go figure. when are you going to realize that the D's are also racist, as well as misogynistic?????? Roe v Wade NEEDED to be overturned because there was no FEDERAL right to an abortion for birth control. end of story.

now let's hear your oather/threeper/trumper blather because you're butthurt about being shown reality you refuse to acknowledge.

Since I NEVER suggested that Democrats were generally devoid of racism or misogyny (or any other human vice or sin), you question is irrelevant and disingenuous. There was no NEED to overturn Roe v Wade, as it was a CHOICE between the woman, her doctor and spouse or companion. And as I previously documented, CHOICE is the cornerstone of much of the Constitution and legal rulings regarding state/federal laws governing the population. The "need" was expressed by the christo-fascist elements in our society who mimic the Taliban in the efforts to make everyone march to their tune.

You repeat your willful ignorance in spite of my other posts which demonstrate that since the Constitution could not cover all aspects of society (then and in future), it left itself open to change (amendments) and rulings on petitions from the citizenry on laws (the SCOTUS). See, by your own "logic", YOU have no "rights" to do anything. It is only by the law of consensus that you have protections against crime, poor food, bad construction, etc. So stop acting stupid with parroting some dreck that medical standards are exempt for the aforementioned.

For the last 40 years, neocons/teabaggers/fibbertarians/alt-right rummies/MAGA mooks and cowardly blowhards like yourself have all decried the "nanny state" and balked at any state or federal accountability (unless it was applied to someone or something you didn't like). That you deny the hypocrisy of overturning Roe v Wade defies logic and rationality.

But I expect nothing less from a lying POS Oather/Threeper like yourself. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Really? Take note:

Former President Trump indicated he would consider signing into law legislation banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy if he is elected president again in 2024.

Why it matters: The new comments came as a departure from his campaign's previous support for individual states deciding restrictions — as abortion again looms over the upcoming major election cycle.

You can't use Axios as a source with me.

Really? So tell us all, toodles ... WHAT ARE YOUR SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND FACTUAL DOCUMENTATION? The reading audience awaits!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
How so? Remember, it was the CONSERVATIVE APPOINTED SCOTUS judges in the majority that voted to rescind Roe vs. Wade....not to mention all the red state restrictive addendum's to that ruling.

Rescinding Roe v Wade was the constitutional thing to do... It was a violation of the constitution to begin with.

Really? Because even the most conservative member of SCOTUS had this to say to Sen. Ted Kennedy Court nominee Samuel,in The New York Times.

As to Constitutionality, you seem to favor just ignoring the 14th Amendment and all it's ramifications for a tunnel vision couched in pseudo religious dogma

For a political ideology that has wailed about "the nanny state" for the last 40 years, it sure seems you throw that out the window in favor of a form of theocracy. How "taliban" of you.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Actually, it's more your willful ignorance or genuine denial. For your education:

Understanding White Christian Nationalism

A common misunderstanding would be that it is the same thing as being a patriotic Christian,” said Philip Gorski, chair of the Department of Sociology at Yale. “Patriotism is an adherence to the ideals of the United States, and nationalism is loyalty to your tribe and not the country.”

In a recent book with sociologist Samuel L. Perry of the University of Oklahoma, Gorski traces white Christian nationalism in the United States to the late 1600s. Adherents believe in the idea that America was founded by Christians who modeled its laws and institutions after Protestant ideals with a mission to spread the religion and those ideals in the face of threats from non-whites, non-Christians, and immigrants.

You cannot use Yale as a source with me.

Again, why don't you let us know what YOU consider a valid source(s) of information? We'll wait.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. Please put on your socks and shoes, toddle down to your local library and research "Southern Strategy" and it's historical relationship with former President Richard Nixon.

2. Please provide the link to the valid source you used to make this claim. We'll wait.

3. In case you've been living in a cave for the last half century, it's one of the premier legal/social contentions in this country. The OP alludes to it without spelling it out. But since you're not savvy as to what's currently going on around you, I'll clarify: Why would a woman vote for the current Republican party who celebrated the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and who has Red State governors adding further "restrictions" regarding abortion?

4. See #2. Also, what valid sources can you link that have Democrats doing what Evince SARCASTICALLY referred?

Why would a sane woman want to murder her own child?

For it to be "murder" you would need a fully birthed, independent of the womb baby to fit that bill. To date, there is no US case where a fully birthed, independent of the womb baby was murdered by a doctor with consent of the parent(s).

So please spare us all the usual christo-fascist BS. Instead, why don't you answer some of the challenges in the previous post...if you have the cojones.
democrats simply can't stop lying about issues

Why do women fall for liars so often?

Why don't you stop braying like an ass? The chronology of the posts clearly shows that when taken to task on your assertions and declarations, you can't logically or factually support/defend yourself. Saying you did doesn't cut it, nor attempts to shift the conversations, nor accolades from your like minded compadres who follow suit in your failures. And if all you have is regurgitation of the SOS, then there's no point in further discussion.
This from a supporter of fake women competing against actual women. I hope you cockroaches destroy womens sports and scholarships

stay focused....the discussion is about the Roe v Wade overturn, and why would a woman vote to have her right to privacy and control of her body taken away.
Why don't you stop braying like an ass? The chronology of the posts clearly shows that when taken to task on your assertions and declarations, you can't logically or factually support/defend yourself. Saying you did doesn't cut it, nor attempts to shift the conversations, nor accolades from your like minded compadres who follow suit in your failures. And if all you have is regurgitation of the SOS, then there's no point in further discussion.

you impress nobody but the dipshit liars that I speak of.

everything you claim is a lie. Seriously. you have not proven a single thing once.
stay focused....the discussion is about the Roe v Wade overturn, and why would a woman vote to have her right to privacy and control of her body taken away.

you mean all the women in Alabama that can finally decide things democratically?

fuck of retard. you are a dipshit
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
stay focused....the discussion is about the Roe v Wade overturn, and why would a woman vote to have her right to privacy and control of her body taken away.

you mean all the women in Alabama that can finally decide things democratically?

fuck of retard. you are a dipshit

:palm: No genius, I'm talking about EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA who has had her right to privacy under the 14th Amendment stripped away, and is now subject to Taliban - esque State rules regarding abortion.

If you want to throw in a detour or make a more detailed and specific.
Why would a sane woman want to murder her own child?

Does Jewish law state that life begins at conception?
No, life does not begin at conception under Jewish law. Sources in the Talmud note that the fetus is “mere water”
before 40 days of gestation. Following this period, the fetus is considered a physical part of
the pregnant individual’s body, not yet having life of its own or independent rights. The fetus
is not viewed as separate from the parent’s body until birth begins and the first breath of
oxygen into the lungs allows the soul to enter the body.
you impress nobody but the dipshit liars that I speak of.

everything you claim is a lie. Seriously. you have not proven a single thing once.

:palm: As the reader can see, Zymurgy is of limited intelligence and maturity, as he thinks his denial and self aggrandizing declarations art tantamount to a fact based, point for point rebuttal. Clearly, he has NOTHING else in his mental arsenal on this subject.....another christo-fascist/MAGA troll at wit's end, reduced to parroting, attempted detours and school yard taunts. Sad.
:palm: No genius, I'm talking about EVERY WOMAN IN AMERICA who has had her right to privacy under the 14th Amendment stripped away, and is now subject to Taliban - esque State rules regarding abortion.

If you want to throw in a detour or make a more detailed and specific.

your sophomoric take was already noted. It plays great in college dorms with soy boys desperate to get laid, but in the real world we laugh at your simplicity to a difficult question.

so again, fuck off little dweeb retard. you impress nobody but die hard morons
:palm: As the reader can see, Zymurgy is of limited intelligence and maturity, as he thinks his denial and self aggrandizing declarations art tantamount to a fact based, point for point rebuttal. Clearly, he has NOTHING else in his mental arsenal on this subject.....another christo-fascist/MAGA troll at wit's end, reduced to parroting, attempted detours and school yard taunts. Sad.

reader. snicker. don't sell yourself short, you have a couple readers.
as i've come to expect from the low information and low IQ sub species of human beings known as liberals and conservatives, there is no shortage of pointing fingers at the other side as they, falsely, but wholeheartedly believe that ONLY their party does the good shit and everything else is bad.............

is that why most people stick to 'the meek shall inherit the earth'???? do you think that by being a brainwashed servant of your political masters, you're somehow going to be elevated above the others???
Really? Because even the most conservative member of SCOTUS had this to say to Sen. Ted Kennedy Court nominee Samuel,in The New York Times.

As to Constitutionality, you seem to favor just ignoring the 14th Amendment and all it's ramifications for a tunnel vision couched in pseudo religious dogma

For a political ideology that has wailed about "the nanny state" for the last 40 years, it sure seems you throw that out the window in favor of a form of theocracy. How "taliban" of you.
The 14th amendment has nothing to do with it. There is no power granted to Congress to legislate re: abortion. It remains a State level issue.