T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Sure.Can you tell us who this " Left " is?
I know no Independent / Dem that isn't for cutting waste and fraud, if you are talking about the FAR FAR left, please make that clear to people.
As I said I know no one that doesn't want waste and fraud cut, but again you don't take down a third of the forest with a bulldozer when a hand saw would do the job. going in and just cutting and cutting BEFORE you find the waste and fraud can hurt a lot of people that count on government programs to survive.
The Left politically in general want to establish a society where outcomes are equal and government is paternal / maternal in nature. In terms of equality, the Left wants to use government to force people who do and make more to support those who have and do less so that everyone in society has an equal amount of material goods. They seek to do the same in terms of things like education level and access, social and emotional outcomes, etc.
To do so, the Left will use a vast and invasive, usually highly authoritarian government to ensure these outcomes occur. Homogeneity and stability of society is more important to them than personal innovation and growth. Members of society, for the most part, can lead an almost child-like existence with little personal responsibility or effort put into their life.
The difference between the far Left, and a less virulent Left, is only a matter of degree. The Left, in general, will ignore some level of graft, corruption, and criminalization of society accepting that as normal while striving to make society, as a whole, more homogenous. That is, they recognize that people as they exist are not yet the equivalent of worker bees or ants, and that they cannot as a result eliminate all the bad in a society. They see it as the price they pay for having the vast majority of society "fair and equal."