An open letter to Phantazmal.

It appears that Phantasmal is hiding underneath his usual when confronted.

Perhaps Phantasmal can also explain how he monitors posters who violate the TOS of JPP when he admits that he puts posters on “ignore.”
It's an easy way of getting out of answering a legitimate question. There was nothing "racists" in the tweets, she knows it and doesn't have to defend her race baiting lies. Another coward.
I'm considering an Open Letter thread to bath-tub Billy. He secretly fancies me. Haw, haw..........................haw.

She abuses her Moderator privileges often and she lies often.

How does she monitor posters who violate the JPP TOS when she has admitted that she puts posters on “ignore.”
Most definitely. She turns a blind eye to those 'violators' she agrees with politically. I've seen it many times over. She reads every word you write, don't think otherwise.
Some possibilities to consider:

she has you on ignore.

You are way too boring for her to read or respond to.

You have demonstrated sustained trollish behaviour, or have shown consistent lack of decorum and social etiquette. Rendering you unreadable to normal human beings who are thus disinclined to read anything your write, no matter how much you beg for their attention.
All of the above and I was preparing myself for my day by the pool, a BBQ with the family and eating my breakfast.
“It will be a loooooooooooong wait...” is a violation of the rules of grammar. There should be a “sic” following this sentence by an ignorant person,
Some possibilities to consider:

she has you on ignore.

You are way too boring for her to read or respond to.

You have demonstrated sustained trollish behaviour, or have shown consistent lack of decorum and social etiquette. Rendering you unreadable to normal human beings who are thus disinclined to read anything your write, no matter how much you beg for their attention.

Arrogant pompous toerag doing what he does best!!
You have provided another opportunity to laugh at you and your stupidity

I see you are being supported by the lobotomized league of JPP.

It appears that Phantasmal is hiding underneath his usual when confronted.

Perhaps Phantasmal can also explain how he monitors posters who violate the TOS of JPP when he admits that he puts posters on “ignore.”

Phan is a female that wears the pants in her household so she thinks she can dictate to any man.
You have made the charge that Trumps tweets about Elijah Cummings Baltimore district is Racist. Here are the tweets:

I have asked you to tell us which parts of those tweets are racist? Which you have ignored. Please respond or admit you are making the charge through hatred not fact.

Bigotry and racism is what resonates with you Trumperoos.
Some possibilities to consider:

she has you on ignore.

You are way too boring for her to read or respond to.

You have demonstrated sustained trollish behaviour, or have shown consistent lack of decorum and social etiquette. Rendering you unreadable to normal human beings who are thus disinclined to read anything your write, no matter how much you beg for their attention.
