An open letter to Phantazmal.

Someone broke into your house and stole a Swim team photo?
Stole from where?

I think she might be referring to that hideous thing she had as a profile pic on Amazon before she got banned. It was supposed to show her cred as a Real Teacher(tm), or something. The thumbnail was so tiny though it was kind of hard to make it out. Some young teens in a green body of water. Guess she's whining that someone "stole" it. You know, kind of like she did with my FB pic of my facial injuries from the bike accident. Classic projection, in other words.
The picture is not available publicly....anywhere....
So good does anyone "have it"?;)

Well, it's not now because Amazon took down their forums. But for many years, if it's the same one I'm thinking of, it WAS publicly available -- on a very public global shopping website with millions of customers.

Not public...;)Amazon is gone, just fyi;) Thanks for the admission, though:)

Admission that I remember you used a grainy green pic of some minors in a yucky green body of water (pool?) as a profile pic on Amazon, a public website with millions of customers? And you're accusing ME of what now? Remembering that you had a pic of some kids whose parents had no clue you were posting it in such a public venue? Okay then. :laugh:
"verification"...:laugh: Thanks for the admission:)That's an awesome file you have;) But... Who accused YOU? :laugh:
Admission that I remember you used a grainy green pic of some minors in a yucky green body of water (pool?) as a profile pic on Amazon, a public website with millions of customers? And you're accusing ME of what now? Remembering that you had a pic of some kids whose parents had no clue you were posting it in such a public venue? Okay then. :laugh:

So the photo was stolen,by Top!
Admission that I remember you used a grainy green pic of some minors in a yucky green body of water (pool?) as a profile pic on Amazon, a public website with millions of customers? And you're accusing ME of what now? Remembering that you had a pic of some kids whose parents had no clue you were posting it in such a public venue? Okay then. :laugh:

12 B
So the photo was stolen,by Top!

I think she probably was the person who took the photo, but there's no way those parents gave permission for her to use their kids' faces as her profile pic on a massive public website like Amazon. Or even a small backwater one like this.

What account is gone that the dumb twit is yammering about tonight?

No, that's not 12b. No one is accusing anyone here of sexual perversion with children. I'm merely asking the bimbo if the pic she keeps whining about with kids in a pool is the same one that she used on Amazon for her profile pic, for many years. I bet those teens' parents had no idea that she was going to splatter their faces and bathing-suited torsos on Amazon.
The account got deleted....because the pic was stolen...End of story...

Obviously not an end to any story because you've been wetting yourself all evening about it. What account? Grind is right. You ARE a retard and it's hard to figure out WTF you are whining about at any given moment in time. Would you like to start at the beginning and explain what account got deleted, what stolen pic and how it was used, and most of all -- what IS your DSM-V diagnosis? Thanks.

Here, lie down here on the swooning couch. Here's a box of Kleenex. Let's begin.
