An open letter to Phantazmal.

"For many years"...poor dear..:)

Yes. It IS a shame that you stole those children's images and used them shamelessly on one of the world's largest and most popular websites, as your profile pic. Just to make ppl think you really were something back in the day. I bet RB and Grumpy/Eagle Eye, Jack, CO, and Aimee remember that pic as well as I do.

ETA: You used it on Goodreads too, didn't you?
Obviously not an end to any story because you've been wetting yourself all evening about it. What account? Grind is right. You ARE a retard and it's hard to figure out WTF you are whining about at any given moment in time. Would you like to start at the beginning and explain what account got deleted, what stolen pic and how it was used, and most of all -- what IS your DSM-V diagnosis? Thanks.

Here, lie down here on the swooning couch. Here's a box of Kleenex. Let's begin.


Don't forget what he said about you.
