An open letter to Phantazmal.

The one you down loaded from my Facebook?

That photo was never on your Facebook. It was on mine. For some reason I neglected to make it "friends only" so it was public, and she snatched it. Her buddy Brunette even admitted it, said that Toxic sent it to her.
Go ahead and post personal information

Now why would she want to do that, sock boy??

You sent it to me Mason...I've Never visited Fowl's FB page..ever...that would hold up in a court of law;)
I'm pretty sure it showed up on mine.

It showed up in the sense that when a FB friend of yours posts something you see it in your newsfeed. It does not appear on your personal FB page unless they deliberately post it there. I did not post that photo on anyone's page but my own. Your friend list was open and she was able to see that I was one of your friends, but all she could see of my profile was the profile pic, the cover photo, and any posts or photos that I made public. I fucked up and did not make that photo "friends only," and therefore she was able to copy it. Right after she chortled about it, I looked at your FB and it was not on there.

Why do you think she's so obsessed with someone allegedly copying her old Amazon profile pic of the kids in a pool? Because that's what SHE does. She also got into Lisa E. and Susan B.'s FB stuff, and got their pics. She even bragged about it openly. She and her buddy ET made plenty of jokes about that.

You kids continue to spat back and forth about this. I'm outta here. I know the truth and that's this: Toxic is a sick stalker who thinks that if she can convince enough ppl that someone else is a sick stalker, they won't look her way. She has multiple socks and thinks that if she accuses others of the same, they won't look her way. She has zero proof of any of her allegations, including the long list of socks she and her animal-abusing butt-buddy have posted. Let the mods post whose socks they are!
LOL...he sent me the pic...the socks? Own what you worked so hard for;) The truth must sting, though;)
It showed up in the sense that when a FB friend of yours posts something you see it in your newsfeed. It does not appear on your personal FB page unless they deliberately post it there. I did not post that photo on anyone's page but my own. Your friend list was open and she was able to see that I was one of your friends, but all she could see of my profile was the profile pic, the cover photo, and any posts or photos that I made public. I fucked up and did not make that photo "friends only," and therefore she was able to copy it. Right after she chortled about it, I looked at your FB and it was not on there.

Why do you think she's so obsessed with someone allegedly copying her old Amazon profile pic of the kids in a pool? Because that's what SHE does. She also got into Lisa E. and Susan B.'s FB stuff, and got their pics. She even bragged about it openly. She and her buddy ET made plenty of jokes about that.

You kids continue to spat back and forth about this. I'm outta here. I know the truth and that's this: Toxic is a sick stalker who thinks that if she can convince enough ppl that someone else is a sick stalker, they won't look her way. She has multiple socks and thinks that if she accuses others of the same, they won't look her way. She has zero proof of any of her allegations, including the long list of socks she and her animal-abusing butt-buddy have posted. Let the mods post whose socks they are!

Exactly ,my news feed,I rarely look at my personal FB page,unless I'm changing something.