An open letter to Phantazmal.

Own the accounts you've created...or stop making them;) So silly...right? That list is ridiculous;)
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Mason sent me the pic...bottom line...Be honest with your bud....I have the message...;)

And I have multiple, multiple messages you exchanged with Mason when you two were hot and heavy. And even more from your "friends." You probably shouldn't mention private messages/emails. Just sayin'. :laugh: ;) :laugh:
Post the messages!!! The Private ones;) :laugh:
Sharing is caring;)
Why do you have them? Just curious;) "And I have multiple, multiple messages you exchanged with Mason when you two were hot and heavy. And even more from your "friends." You probably shouldn't mention private messages/emails. Just sayin'. "
Own the accounts you've created...or stop making them;) So silly...right? That list is ridiculous;)

At the start of this thread,I listed my active accounts,and that there were socks,not returned after bans.
If the mods didn't delete them,that's on them,because I can't log in on them,after a ban,unless they reinstate them to me.
At the start of this thread,I listed my active accounts,and that there were socks,not returned after bans.
If the mods didn't delete them,that's on them,because I can't log in on them,after a ban,unless they reinstate them to me.

We're going off to enjoy the rest of this day. Here, use this!

I think it's very sweet that Mason shared "everything" with Owl....but the real important stuff;) Like sending me the pic;)
1. Mason / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Controlled Opposition / Join Date 10-20-2017

5. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Miss Margot Frank / Join Date 03-08-2019

12. Sox Sanders / Join Date 07-07-2019
We need an updated list;)