An open letter to Phantazmal.

"Good Morning Goodread/Amazon Refugees,

The JPP moderators have welcomed you to this forum, but we grown weary of your interactions with each other.

We have received a lot of complaints about private information being released on this forum, and we would like to remind you that it is a violation of our rules.

Information you have garnered about each other on other forums is not to be posted on this forum.

Let me repeat this, Personal information learned on other forum about people posting here may not be mention here unless the poster has made it public on this forum.

This is a general warning to all of you. Future posting of personal information will result in either a ban or a forced ignore between offending posters.

Thank you for you cooperation in this matter. "
"Good Morning Goodread/Amazon Refugees,

The JPP moderators have welcomed you to this forum, but we grown weary of your interactions with each other.

We have received a lot of complaints about private information being released on this forum, and we would like to remind you that it is a violation of our rules.

Information you have garnered about each other on other forums is not to be posted on this forum.

Let me repeat this, Personal information learned on other forum about people posting here may not be mention here unless the poster has made it public on this forum.

This is a general warning to all of you. Future posting of personal information will result in either a ban or a forced ignore between offending posters.

Thank you for you cooperation in this matter. "

Top,passive/aggressive playing moderator.
She loves to try to use the moderators to her own purposes.
Still not mine...but Stone is welcome to prove that it is...he's got "exclusive" info, after all:)
(He really should stop believing you do him wrong....;)
Have him get the real info on True Companion while he's at it...which one of you lied to him about that account?:laugh:
...and redo the emoji identification on the list of the committee socks...:laugh: Which one of you lied to him about those?
Let's have a poll on that!

Don't bother. It's almost an hour and a half till sunrise and is considered the waning hours of the night. Of course, I was here earlier than that. Stayed up for an early release of the new manga only for them to be delayed 10 days. Maybe it has something to do with the typhoons affecting Japan.
Don't bother. It's almost an hour and a half till sunrise and is considered the waning hours of the night. Of course, I was here earlier than that. Stayed up for an early release of the new manga only for them to be delayed 10 days. Maybe it has something to do with the typhoons affecting Japan.

What is a manga?