Of course all of the Hillary signs are still up there proud as peacocks and their owners are still contributing to Madam Secretary's 2020 run, right? Oh that's right! Those signs all went in the trash in shame the day after the 2016 election, huh?
![Laugh :laugh: :laugh:](https://www.justplainpolitics.com/images/smilies/rsz_face-with-tears-of-joy_1f602.png)
![Thumbs Up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:](https://www.justplainpolitics.com/images/smilies/rsz_thumbs-up-sign_1f44d-1.png)
Of course all of the Hillary signs are still up there proud as peacocks and their owners are still contributing to Madam Secretary's 2020 run, right? Oh that's right! Those signs all went in the trash in shame the day after the 2016 election, huh?
I live in a mixed neighborhood. We have seen political signs supporting both parties.
During the 2016 election campaign season several properties displayed Trump signs.
And even after the election, proud of what they supported, several Trump signs remained.
For months, even as his approval plummeted and the disturbing news oozed out of the White House like automotive fluids from a bad wreck, a few of the signs remained.
Some even stayed up for years. The neighbors here are mostly nice. None of the signs were vandalized.
One by one, the signs disappeared, until only one remained.
That has ended.
As news of the impeachment inquiry has dominated politics, the last Trump sign quietly vanished.
Looks like people are beginning to be over it. The pride is gone.
At last!
??What is that??
They also voted for & vehemently defended both McCain & Romney as well
It's how we pay for the public library located in Marquette. Each township votes on whether to collect a millage (amount per thousand of assessed property value) from its residents to go towards the library. If your township approves it, you pay a slight bit more in taxes and qualify for an annual library membership. But if your township is filled with knuckleheads like the ours with the Trump sign, then they vote against the millage and your annual library membership goes up to $175/year per family. Our neighbors (she is a retired teacher) put up a pro-library sign four times at the intersection of our road and the main hwy going into town. Someone kept taking it. Welcome to TrumpLand.
Lol, since when do people leave political signs up for years?
I guess ppl here aren't too much into bumper stickers and yard signs. We saw a few in 2016. The only Trump one left around here sits at the end of a driveway leading to a poorly-aging trailer. The sign looks new and just says "Trump" on it, nothing else. The same place had a VOTE NO LIBRARY MILLAGE sign last year when that came up for a vote. Go figure. lol
$175???? WTF That is crazy...
I rarely go any more but I will be taking the grandkids there as they have lots of activities, events, plays etc..
Something we kinda just take for granted..
The first free library in our county was here in Elk Grove & I use to visit it often before everything was @ our finger tips...
What do you go there for??
Libraries, public art museums, and national parks are anathemas to Trump-supporters
But spending trillions on an unnecessary and premeditated war of aggression on Iraq? Yep, they couldn't leap out of their chairs fast enough to line up in support of that
I have never been in it; costs too much to join plus I can use the library at the university for free. Mr. Owl goes there a lot and reads history books.
If we had kids at home we would definitely join it despite the cost. I took my kids once a week to get and return books. Plus they had activities for the younger ones, like you pointed out. Story Time and so on. For some reason pre-schoolers who do not want to sit on the couch while mom reads them a story are perfectly content to sit in a group and listen to a stranger read a story. lol
Does he like any particular type of history??
I have been reading most recently about Spain, particularly northern Spain/Portugal, Galatia & the traditional Celtic roots as well as their role in the Arab conquest-NOT & the expulsions etc that followed..
That's your response to everything!He’s a liar !
Well funded, free public libraries say a lot about the nature and values of a community or nation.$175???? WTF That is crazy...
I rarely go any more but I will be taking the grandkids there as they have lots of activities, events, plays etc..
Something we kinda just take for granted..
The first free library in our county was here in Elk Grove & I use to visit it often before everything was @ our finger tips...
What do you go there for??
I've also noticed that the pride is dying out. People are starting to realize Trump isn't an edgy badass playing 4D chess. He's just an angry idiot who fails at everything. And now people are embarrassed that they backed such a low IQ snowflake.
But the thing is, Trump never had much support. He always had a small very vocal minority. The reason he won the election is because lots of people who normally vote Democrat didn't vote, thanks to Hillary, and the electoral college benefits Republicans. These two factors seem like they're going to get Trump reelected. We still have the electoral college and most of the Democrats running are absolutely horrible. So yeah, there are less Trumpcucks now, and the ones going down with the ship are embarrassed, but that's not going to be enough.
Who do most of the remaining signs support?
It's how we pay for the public library located in Marquette. Each township votes on whether to collect a millage (amount per thousand of assessed property value) from its residents to go towards the library. If your township approves it, you pay a slight bit more in taxes and qualify for an annual library membership. But if your township is filled with knuckleheads like the ours with the Trump sign, then they vote against the millage and your annual library membership goes up to $175/year per family. Our neighbors (she is a retired teacher) put up a pro-library sign four times at the intersection of our road and the main hwy going into town. Someone kept taking it. Welcome to TrumpLand.
Libraries, public art museums, and national parks are anathemas to Trump-supporters
But spending trillions on an unnecessary and premeditated war of aggression on Iraq? Yep, they couldn't leap out of their chairs fast enough to line up in support of that
Our libraries don't charge fees to residents...in Michigan they do?
Make it K-16 and voc-ed...Good idea....no problem...Hello TOP,
We can have free libraries but not free health care or free college.
If we have free K-12 education that's OK, but try to make it K-16 and all of a sudden it's not free.
I think the thing that people are overlooking is that Education Prevents Prison.
Smarter people are less likely to end up costing us tax money to incarcerate them
Which is a very good reason to have free college.
It's either pay for their education and benefit to society or pay for their imprisonment and detriment to society, take your choice.