And The Last Trump Sign Quietly Vanished.

Amazing all the power they assign to this fictitious 'deep state' but then that same power was unable to keep Trump out of office.

The mythos goes like this: The so-called Deep State wanted Hillary to win to keep the status quo. But the Power of The People overcame the nefarious plot by sheer willpower and selected the Great Almighty Trump over all the machinations of the DS to get Hillary in the WH. See, he's independently wealthy and doesn't need corporate donations and union donations and so on, so he's doing the "work of the People." Really. It's true!

After you've swallowed that down, with a chaser of orange Koolaid, may I interest you in this nice bridge over here?
Our libraries don't charge fees to Michigan they do?

We are not considered "residents" because our township did not vote in favor of the millage. It's not that hard to understand, except of course for pretend "teachers." lol Let me see if I can find you some small words.

Public libraries are supported by taxpayers. In our county (I am not familiar with the rules statewide), each township has the freedom to accept or reject contributing to the public library via the millage. We also vote on millages for road maintenance/construction, schools, trash/waste services, fire/EMS, etc. Our township sadly rejected the public library millage. Last time. It was close though.

If you like I can look at Amazon for a Civics for Dummies book for you if you like.
Which is a very good reason to have free college.

It's either pay for their education and benefit to society or pay for their imprisonment and detriment to society, take your choice.

Agree. Although just one quibble: It's not education that makes you "smart." It does make you more employable though. I would like to see us provide a two-year post-high school education for free. If the student prefers a trade school education over an academic one, that's awesome -- we'll fund that 100% as well.
Voting against supporting a library is like voting against knowledge.

Yes it is. All the naysayers heard was "taxes going to go up" and that did it. We had a millage vote for the trash/waste services here last year that barely squeaked by, which was totally ridiculous. We have a transfer station fondly known as The Dump. We don't have curbside pickup or recycling pickup; twice a week you have a chance to take your rubbish/recycling to the Dump. It's really not a chore like it sounds; typically we only go once a month. The millage pays for it to be hauled away, and for us costs us an extra ~$10/month (rolled into our escrow). If we had to pay to have it picked up at the house it would cost us ~$75/month. Pick one. But that's what surprised us -- that there were so many idiots who would prefer to pay $75/month for a hauling company versus having to drive to the dump. I suspect that a lot of those would have just dumped their trash in the woods rather than having it hauled away.
Hello StoneByStone,

Another factor was the Hillary baggage. A lot of the mushy middle just voted for Trump to keep Hillary out. We are not going to have Hillary next time, although there is a concern that the same effect could happen with Biden. That mindset is being swayed to think Biden is really dirty and the 'deep state is preventing him from being investigated.'

Amazing all the power they assign to this fictitious 'deep state' but then that same power was unable to keep Trump out of office.

There is also a very common belief that Cohen handed Trump the presidency with his poorly timed announcement that Hillary was being investigated one week before the election. It is unlikely that 2020 would be a repeat of anything like that event.

Yeah, there were lots of X factors. One was that Democrats didn't like Hillary and didn't vote, another is that Centrists voted for Trump just to keep out Hillary. I also think there were lots of Accelerationists who thought a Trump presidency would mean the end of the Union. Those people are less likely to vote for Trump again, since his presidency didn't do what they wanted.

It is funny how Trumpcucks have made the Deep State out to be this all-powerful force. It's kind of like the Illuminati, only even dumber, because if the Deep State does exist, they're unable to get rid of Trump.
Hello TOP,

Make it K-16 and voc-ed...Good problem...
I've had students in school until they're 22 more than once;)
No "free healthcare"....

I am pleased to hear of your support for K-16.

It is a logical progression.

Once there were no public schools. We began them and many at least got a 6th grade education.

As society progressed it became standard to achieve a 12th grade education in order to get a good job.

Now it takes K-16.

Makes all the sense in the world.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Agree. Although just one quibble: It's not education that makes you "smart." It does make you more employable though. I would like to see us provide a two-year post-high school education for free. If the student prefers a trade school education over an academic one, that's awesome -- we'll fund that 100% as well.

Agreed. With free childcare so those who are burdened with parenthood can become tax-paying contributors to society.
How interesting! He likes local history, engineering history, Great Lakes industry history, war history.

Cool, I like almost all of it..

I caught interest in Galatia when a few friends of mine did the El Camino hike, or rather a section of it & they both posted pictures of ppl playing bagpipes, kilts etc along their route.....

I was looking @ some of the picts & was thinking did she take a wrong turn & end up in Scotland??? lol
Well funded, free public libraries say a lot about the nature and values of a community or nation.

I use the socialist public library all the time. I still read real actual books, and our corporate overlords would be astounded and irate at how much money Barnes and Nobel et al. are losing because my book reading activity costs me nothing

:cool: What type of reading material do you prefer??
The mythos goes like this: The so-called Deep State wanted Hillary to win to keep the status quo. But the Power of The People overcame the nefarious plot by sheer willpower and selected the Great Almighty Trump over all the machinations of the DS to get Hillary in the WH. See, he's independently wealthy and doesn't need corporate donations and union donations and so on, so he's doing the "work of the People." Really. It's true!

After you've swallowed that down, with a chaser of orange Koolaid, may I interest you in this nice bridge over here?

:laugh::laugh: :hand:
Yeah, there were lots of X factors. One was that Democrats didn't like Hillary and didn't vote, another is that Centrists voted for Trump just to keep out Hillary. I also think there were lots of Accelerationists who thought a Trump presidency would mean the end of the Union. Those people are less likely to vote for Trump again, since his presidency didn't do what they wanted.

It is funny how Trumpcucks have made the Deep State out to be this all-powerful force. It's kind of like the Illuminati, only even dumber, because if the Deep State does exist, they're unable to get rid of Trump.

Several good reason not to vote for her, is there any room left to put some blame on her & the party leadership???
:cool: What type of reading material do you prefer??
I am working my way through the pantheon of Russian literature, but I also gravitate towards history, popular fiction and world cinema available through the library streaming service.
Libraries, public art museums, and national parks are anathemas to Trump-supporters

But spending trillions on an unnecessary and premeditated war of aggression on Iraq? Yep, they couldn't leap out of their chairs fast enough to line up in support of that
such noise. Iraq had bi-partisan support, including Clinton the warmonger.
such noise. Iraq had bi-partisan support, including Clinton the warmonger.

because your assholes CREATED a pack of LIES to show the American people

IMAGINE the lies they told Clinton to get her on board

She had top clearance so the lies were bigger than we got to see
or not have kid you can't pay for to begin with -why am I paying for your child care?

people have babies you fucking creepy assed shit box

Do you know what happens to a nation that stops having kids?

are you trying for the stupid fuck of the year AWARD