Andrew Yang Exposes Debates as 100% Rigged

The plot that Yang talks about is how the moderators try to get candidates to fight with each other, and even plot with some of the candidates ahead of the debate, in order to make for interesting TV.
Fox is biased for Conservatism, but CNN is biased for sensationalism.

we have a corporate media

what are corporations values?

uh oh

that is changing huh
The plot that Yang talks about is how the moderators try to get candidates to fight with each other, and even plot with some of the candidates ahead of the debate, in order to make for interesting TV.
Fox is biased for Conservatism, but CNN is biased for sensationalism.

you are outing your self asshole
here is how you spot the bots folks

ignore what they claim to be ( every poster)

only believe what they promote as their beliefs

they may play hide and seek

they hide behind backing all sorts of stuff their true beliefs dont reflect

and all of the sudden they will say something VERY UNCHARACTORISTIC


what liberal would support the idea that whites need their own nation so people of color should leave America

stone has said that more than once

stone it a bot hole

shun it

its a front

never thank it and never trust it
In a DNC memo published in late May explaining the September debate qualification rules, they wrote that "any candidate's four qualifying polls must be conducted by different organizations, or if by the same organization, must be in different geographical areas."

Yang has begun shittalking the DNC with LIES

Why don't they start culling the herd??

They are. But culling implies removing bad candidates, Yang is smart and has some good ideas. But he has no political base and following. He cannot get sufficient traction before the qualifications for the next debate must be met. The Dems have lots of intelligent highly qualified candidates.
Rightys ended up with Daffy.
The plot that Yang talks about is how the moderators try to get candidates to fight with each other, and even plot with some of the candidates ahead of the debate, in order to make for interesting TV.
Fox is biased for Conservatism, but CNN is biased for sensationalism.

That is no plot. Just TV. The ratings are their payoffs. They wanted another Biden /Harris did not happen.
For what? I'm trying to follow your strange line of reasoning. Are you saying Yang is Alt-Right?

you have stated you want America all white more than once

that is diametrically apposed to ALL Democratic party ideas

you are a fucking racist turd mountain and fake being left leaning

Yang says Russian interference in our nation isn't real and or important as an issue

he has a flood of racists donating to his party

he is toast

I dont need to know what is really in his head
you have stated you want America all white more than once

that is diametrically apposed to ALL Democratic party ideas

you are a fucking racist turd mountain and fake being left leaning

Yang says Russian interference in our nation isn't real and or important as an issue

he has a flood of racists donating to his party

he is toast

I dont need to know what is really in his head

I'm pretty sure I know what's in your head.