1960s Chick Magnet
Trumpanzees lived, then without a name, under their rocks until "escalator day. "I disagree, Trumpism is temporary and will die with Trump.
The pigfucking orangutan inspired them to slither out from under their rocks
but they were always there, devolved mutants,
and they'll be still there after pigshit is long gone.
Reconciliation is less likely than you and I winning the lottery on consecutive billion dollar drawings.
That's my sincere view.
New England, New York, and perhaps New Jersey need to petition Canada for admission--right now.
Washington, Oregon, and California need to do the same.
Dependable Blue States not connecting to the New Canada
will have to come up with something on their own.
This dumpster fire is beyond control now.
Time to climb out of it.
Past time, actually.