anna nicole smith, DEAD

Umm, I just heard that she is mpt dead, but on life support and Bush is rushing to the supreme court to keep her from being taken off of life support.
"then I will be Gawd."

Fair enough.

"Umm, then why that commandemnt about not having any other gods before you ?
That implies the existance of other gods...."

Because I like saying shit like that to confuse the peons.
It is sad and tragic when something like this happens to someone you aren't really surprised it happened to. It's like John Belushi, Janis Joplin, River Phoenix, Chris Farley and others, who's candle just burned out way too soon. Whether it was personal demons, emotional stress, drugs or just the glamour lifestyle they lived, it's also a tragedy that we, the public, will exploit these people, draw entertainment from their misfortunes and bask in their misery, continually maintaining amusement in their obvious mental illnesses.

It doesn't surprise me Anna Nicole is dead... does it surprise you? It wouldn't surprise me to hear the same news of Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, or Courtney Love. Unfortunately, it's like watching a train wreck...
Good post, Dixie. I agree. Also, what now will all those parasitic people do who were hangers-on in her life? She was a tragic figure while alive, I thought, exploited in many ways and really not intelligent enough to do anything about that or herself.

RIP, Anna.
I really felt for her as she was in the hospital having a child another dies...

Now, if it is suicide, I have no real sympathy, she had a child that she took on the responsibility for to raise and teach then she abandoned that child in the worst way. That is if it is a suicide...
I know Damo, I think about that poor kid she just had, and what sort of messed up psyche it's going to have... it's like we keep breeding an even more fucked up generation than the one before.
Well, maybe in her mother's absence the baby will have a chance at normalcy (sp?) and a drug-free upbringing.
When her son died, I really felt for her. I can't imagine how she coped with her son dying right in front of her at a hospital.
Well, maybe in her mother's absence the baby will have a chance at normalcy (sp?) and a drug-free upbringing.
When her son died, I really felt for her. I can't imagine how she coped with her son dying right in front of her at a hospital.
I too felt for her, but the responsibility of the new child simply creates a whole new view on her death. If she did this on purpose then I have no sympathy for anybody other than that child.

It may be that her life, the child's I mean, will be better off without her mother, but now somebody has to step up to the plate in her absence. To take on the real responsibility that became hers when she chose to raise the child rather than put it up for adoption.
Yup, like I said, I think the only way I could get through the death of a child is if I had another one depending on me.
You would be suprised what you can handle when it comes down to it Jarod.
My parents lived thru the great flu pandemic where about 20% of frineds and family died in this area. In the good ole days that Dixie refers to it was much more common to lose a child.
I too felt for her, but the responsibility of the new child simply creates a whole new view on her death. If she did this on purpose then I have no sympathy for anybody other than that child.

It may be that her life, the child's I mean, will be better off without her mother, but now somebody has to step up to the plate in her absence. To take on the real responsibility that became hers when she chose to raise the child rather than put it up for adoption.

Since she seems to have choked to death on her own vomit, it's not a suicide.

It sounds like life killed her. But then, it kills all of us eventually.
I too felt for her, but the responsibility of the new child simply creates a whole new view on her death. If she did this on purpose then I have no sympathy for anybody other than that child.

It may be that her life, the child's I mean, will be better off without her mother, but now somebody has to step up to the plate in her absence. To take on the real responsibility that became hers when she chose to raise the child rather than put it up for adoption.
That's a remarkably rigid and didactic position there. Personally, I find it difficult to judge any suicide so harshly: I can almost, but not quite, imagine the kind of pain it would take to drive someone to such an act. Well, maybe Adolph Hitler, but that's an extreme example.

Fortunately, the point seems to be moot. ;)
Since she seems to have choked to death on her own vomit, it's not a suicide.

It sounds like life killed her. But then, it kills all of us eventually.
True, dat. Hers was tragically short, but also bizarre and priviledged.

Maybe "tragic" is indeed the right word when used in the original Grecian sense. Tragic as in inevitable and brought about by her own flaws.
Umm, lets wait till the toxicology reports are in. Improper drugs were found in her room....

I know. But that's still not suicide. She engaged in a lot of self-destructive behavior. But that's not sitting down, deciding to kill yourself, and doing it with intent. She was obviously in a lot of pain. We all do things to escape pain. Whether it be drinking, or sleeping around, or taking drugs, or smoking, or gambling, or whatever your poison is. A few of us push the envelope too far.