anna nicole smith, DEAD

I know. But that's still not suicide. She engaged in a lot of self-destructive behavior. But that's not sitting down, deciding to kill yourself, and doing it with intent. She was obviously in a lot of pain. We all do things to escape pain. Whether it be drinking, or sleeping around, or taking drugs, or smoking, or gambling, or whatever your poison is. A few of us push the envelope too far.

My position on suicide has much to do with my religion, I'll freely admit that. There would be a serious Karma hit in such a suicide. I await more than a rumour of a report that her assistant found her dead from her own vomit.

Her life entire appears to be a tragedy, one that seems to have caught many in the US. I can't imagine why this leads CNN and ABC on the radio reports...

My position on suicide has much to do with my religion, I'll freely admit that. There would be a serious Karma hit in such a suicide. I await more than a rumour of a report that her assistant found her dead from her own vomit.

Her life entire appears to be a tragedy, one that seems to have caught many in the US. I can't imagine why this leads CNN and ABC on the radio reports...

As far as it leading on CNN and Abc, I am in total agreement with you.
Split not that hair, my friend. You know what he means.

Just look at those Fox Newsies, fer cryin' out loud. They positively reek of frustrated, dysfunctional masculinity. Even the female ones.
Because the news is the same as on whatever your favorite is you must find some way to make ad hominem attacks? I don't quite get your side's fascination with the supposed sexual frustrations of others, it seems like such a minute reason to object to something.
Because the news is the same as on whatever your favorite is you must find some way to make ad hominem attacks? I don't quite get your side's fascination with the supposed sexual frustrations of others, it seems like such a minute reason to object to something.
It's inevitable. How could we watch people make such unmitigated asses of themselves so consistently without wondering why? And we're all libs: we all took Psych 101, you know.
BTW damo anna Nichole's death is the headline banner on Fox news's web site ;)
Hence the reason I said that all of them are reporting the same thing... In order to get all in a bunch it became necessary to make up some pretend sexual disorder in order to "attack" Fox. It isn't like they were "spinning" this one up, it is reported as the "front page" on all the sites.
Yes, like ABC they contract to specific radio stations out here to provide the news on the radio.
Ok, thanks I did not know that. as I said I only listen to music on the radio.
umm well on what most people call radio. I do have a shortwave rig I listen to news from around the world on. Pretty interesting to listen to the spin on Voice Of America ;)