He-he, thanks for another humorous post, domer!
Still waiting, babbler. Still nothing from you, loser.
I'm shocked!

He-he, thanks for another humorous post, domer!
Still waiting, babbler. Still nothing from you, loser.
I'm shocked!
he keeps dissecting lib'ruls trying to find one.....When are you going to get a brain.
he keeps dissecting lib'ruls trying to find one.....
so far, no luck.......
Thanks, again, for another humorous post, domer!
VanderBabble fails again!
He-he, you keep cracking me up, domer. Thanks for the laughs!
Thanks for yet ANOTHER laugh, domer! You are QUITE the comedian.
VanderBabble just can't STFU!
Babble on, clown.
Thanks for yet ANOTHER laugh, domer! You are QUITE the comedian.
VanderBabble = no response loser.
Yes siree Do Si Do’s you Trumpsters! LOLThe past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.
I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.
thank you.
Most people, including the UK, France, Germany, China, and Russia, thought the Nuke Deal with Iran was a Good Idea.
NOW, because of Idiot Boy, we have turned Iraq against us, a Country that we spent billions on and lost thousands of Americans over in Liberating it.
Iran is now gung-ho back into nuclear weapons development.
No one has a problem with killing General Soleimani, he has American Blood on his hands.
I know you like to joke around about my cannabis consumption, but the fact of the matter is, yes, I really believe this stuff. I'm not trolling. I hate america haters, I geniunely believe democrats are evil, and truly do not like this country. I have posted a poll about this already. Even under obama liberals could barely get themselves over 50%, and republicans were in the 80s for how much they love america. So litearlly when everything is going at the absolute best for liberals, you can only begrudgingly tolerate america.
To an american hating liberal, canada is better, all of europe is better, but they never leave and go to these countries. You dishonor your own heritage. Americans are decedents of trailblazers and risk takers. We ventured out into the great unknown, and moved to greener pastures. We moved from europe to backward boonie colonies, and forged a new dynasty. And then we moved west and did it again.
So what is the reason liberals have all these awesome, socialist countries all over the world that they like so much better than america, where healthcare is plentiful and quality of life is so much more progressive, but liberals continue to stay in america crying like little bithces? because they are not americans. They do not have the american spirit. They are worthless parasitic leech failures who want to bring everyone down with them.
To me, America is the best country in the world. There is no where else I would rather be.
What is your excuse, you pussy america hater? Why don't you get the fuck out and go somewhere else, instead of ruining the last great nation left on this earth?
Our little libertarian has devolved! Full blown Trumpublican now. He’s bought into Trump’s socialism, paying the farmers, building the wall. Comedy gold.Yes siree Do Si Do’s you Trumpsters! LOL
And they would be wrong. For all intents and purposes and im sure you would agree that the nuclear deal was an exchange of cash either hard currency in pallets or ability to earn it via lifting of sanctions and the promise of no nuclear development for 10 years or at least limited nuclear development.
1. It does not address our main problem with Iran which is the prolifiration of its proxy groups which the cash massively helps them with
2. after 10 years and you need to renegotiate the treaty you have nothing left to negotiate with as you gave it all away.
The maximum pressure campaign is better. Its always a risk to do something rather than nothing which is what the iran deal was but sometimes like in the cas of churchill and chamberlain action is needed.
If Trump gets a second term and we continue what he is doing i have a hard time seeing Iran exist in its current form at the end of it.
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.
I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.
thank you.
We are in disagreement.
He-he! Stop it, domer, you're killin' me! But in all seriousness, how did you go from graduating from Notre Dame to being an atheist? I'm curious as to why this happened.
Where is it, stupid fuck, that one is required to be a Catholic, or any religion for that matter, to attend Notre Dame, VanderBabble?
Ignorant clown.