I support the View of US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China, and Iran. ...you don't.
I support the View of US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China, and Iran. ...you don't.
It would just MAKE SENSE that if you attend Notre Dame, you would MOST LIKELY be Catholic or Christian and NOT a heathen non-believing atheist.
That's your problem, VanderPrattle. You don't make sense. Merely babble.
Babble on, bitch.
He-he, thanks for ANOTHER laugh, knucklehead!
Stevie's becum a troll like his lover USF!
Stevie's becum a troll like his lover USF!
He-he, you and your over 20 socks are hilarious, MASON! Quite DUMB, but funny just the same.
I guess you didn't see,a moderator says that's not fact.Just USF trolling
Can you confirm or deny that Mason has,only 2 socks!
Yes, I can
I guess you didn't see,a moderator says that's not fact.Just USF trolling
If Do is going to create an ignorantly conceived thread like this...he should at least preview the goddam thing so he doesn't look any more like a clown than he normally does.
Anyway...I wanted to comment...and the only thing I saw of substance was that Do apparently is not smart enough to know the difference between "your" and "you're."
Glad to see that you do.
i think democrats honestly want these countries to develop nuclear weapons in the hopes that it makes america weaker in the world. It fits their m.o. perfectly, they would be taking down the privileged america. they hate hierachies. They hate america, as they are america haters
Congratulations Grind. I can see you’ve learned well from reading Trumps book on how to win fools and influence idiots.
Might I though point out that, as a person who loves America so much that I’ve actually read it’s history as written by actual historians and not from Album covers coated in Cheeto dust, that you just want to consider a thing or two.
The problem with your “liberals hate Uhmerika” rhetoric, other than its proven ability to attract mouth breathers, is that Conservatives have a horrible track record of utter incompetence when it comes foreign affairs and national defense.
Take wars for example. All the wars we’ve won this nation was led by liberals, radicals, revolutionaries or liberal internationalist. Where as both wars we’ve lost, Vietnam and the Immoral War on Iraq, we’re lost by conservatives. One who resigned in disgrace. You can also include the ultra conservative Jefferson Davis of the confederacy in there, as another conservative bumbler, as he lost to Lincoln and the Radical Republicans during our Civil War.
So as a patriot who loves their nation, and has little use for conservative idiots who will conscientiously keep that train rolling while completely sublimating the fact that they train is headed over the cliff, I have to laugh at your rhetoric for the cognitively impaired.
Now there is a time and place for conservatism but historically speaking foreign affairs and national defense ain’t been one of conservativisms bright spot. From Tory’s, to Slave Owning Planters, to Isolationist, to John Birchers, to modern Neoconservatives, it’s been one train wreck after another for American conservatives.
So Conservative Leaders, in times of crises, appear to be good at two things, wrapping themselves in the flag and fucking up.
So given Conservatives legendary track record of being total fuck ups in times of crises why should anyone but mouth breathers and the cognitively impaired give you any credibility?
Except Grind is the one who fell for Trumps bullshit!![]()
I dunno...he can be both clever and cynical and though I don’t doubt his disdain for bleeding heart liberals is real he’s more than capable, like Trump, by testing mouth breathers to see if he can do what Trump does by cynically saying shit only morons believe.
I guess you missed Grinds Trump thread
Congratulations Grind. I can see you’ve learned well from reading Trumps book on how to win fools and influence idiots.
Might I though point out that, as a person who loves America so much that I’ve actually read it’s history as written by actual historians and not from Album covers coated in Cheeto dust, that you just want to consider a thing or two.
The problem with your “liberals hate Uhmerika” rhetoric, other than its proven ability to attract mouth breathers, is that Conservatives have a horrible track record of utter incompetence when it comes foreign affairs and national defense.
Take wars for example. All the wars we’ve won this nation was led by liberals, radicals, revolutionaries or liberal internationalist. Where as both wars we’ve lost, Vietnam and the Immoral War on Iraq, we’re lost by conservatives. One who resigned in disgrace. You can also include the ultra conservative Jefferson Davis of the confederacy in there, as another conservative bumbler, as he lost to Lincoln and the Radical Republicans during our Civil War.
So as a patriot who loves their nation, and has little use for conservative idiots who will conscientiously keep that train rolling while completely sublimating the fact that they train is headed over the cliff, I have to laugh at your rhetoric for the cognitively impaired.
Now there is a time and place for conservatism but historically speaking foreign affairs and national defense ain’t been one of conservativisms bright spot. From Tory’s, to Slave Owning Planters, to Isolationist, to John Birchers, to modern Neoconservatives, it’s been one train wreck after another for American conservatives.
So Conservative Leaders, in times of crises, appear to be good at two things, wrapping themselves in the flag and fucking up.
So given Conservatives legendary track record of being total fuck ups in times of crises why should anyone but mouth breathers and the cognitively impaired give you any credibility?
not worthy of a response. up your troll game. I am untrollable.
The past few days have been disgusting. I understand hating a president, but the leftists on JPP literally hate this country. You hate our institutions, you hate our values. Because of you, we've become pussies in the middle easts eyes and have completely lost the ability to deter them all due to your policy of appeasement. That is until, donald trump. Your trump derangement syndrome is so bad, you want to side with a terrorist supporting nation. Your eager to do so.
I will no longer call you leftists or liberals or democrats. I will be calling all of you America Haters from now on, perhaps AH for shorthand.
thank you.