Another All About Me Thread


It's been many months since my last one, too bad.

I am becoming a little bit famous on the internets...and today, I got a piece published somewhere I didn't think I could. And it was a rebuttal of a piece written by someone who thinks they are a someone, that really ticked me off, which made it even better

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe. Thank you. And now, I take my leave of you for the evening and go back to my real writing. I suppose if you are very lucky, I will return in the morning to scatter more of my pearls among you swine. No offense. :)
It's been many months since my last one, too bad.

I am becoming a little bit famous on the internets...and today, I got a piece published somewhere I didn't think I could. And it was a rebuttal of a piece written by someone who thinks they are a someone, that really ticked me off, which made it even better

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe. Thank you. And now, I take my leave of you for the evening and go back to my real writing. I suppose if you are very lucky, I will return in the morning to scatter more of my pearls among you swine. No offense. :)

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe

Don't worry. I'm always here to bring you back down off that pedestal; back down to earth here with us mortals. :clink:
It's been many months since my last one, too bad.

I am becoming a little bit famous on the internets...and today, I got a piece published somewhere I didn't think I could. And it was a rebuttal of a piece written by someone who thinks they are a someone, that really ticked me off, which made it even better

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe. Thank you. And now, I take my leave of you for the evening and go back to my real writing. I suppose if you are very lucky, I will return in the morning to scatter more of my pearls among you swine. No offense. :)

But why do you support racial discrimination, if you're so great?
It's been many months since my last one, too bad.

I am becoming a little bit famous on the internets...and today, I got a piece published somewhere I didn't think I could. And it was a rebuttal of a piece written by someone who thinks they are a someone, that really ticked me off, which made it even better

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe. Thank you. And now, I take my leave of you for the evening and go back to my real writing. I suppose if you are very lucky, I will return in the morning to scatter more of my pearls among you swine. No offense. :)

Congrats! :clink:
It's been many months since my last one, too bad.

I am becoming a little bit famous on the internets...and today, I got a piece published somewhere I didn't think I could. And it was a rebuttal of a piece written by someone who thinks they are a someone, that really ticked me off, which made it even better

I am a damn fine writer, and to be honest, you guys are getting my stuff for free day in and day out, and I don't feel appreciated. Some groveling will be in order for tomorrow, I believe. Thank you. And now, I take my leave of you for the evening and go back to my real writing. I suppose if you are very lucky, I will return in the morning to scatter more of my pearls among you swine. No offense. :)

I'm quite sure your article was a tour de force, finally bringing forth a glimmer of light into the journalistic abyss of contemporary America. I believe Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky read the piece earlier today, nodded simultaneously and agreed a suicide pact there and then, acknowledging their eclipse was total.

In other words, you are, like, really great.

Now, you can't expect me to spend all morning on my knees stroking your ego, after all i am a man, and therefore wouldn't really know where to find it.
I'm quite sure your article was a tour de force, finally bringing forth a glimmer of light into the journalistic abyss of contemporary America. I believe Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky read the piece earlier today, nodded simultaneously and agreed a suicide pact there and then, acknowledging their eclipse was total.

In other words, you are, like, really great.

Now, you can't expect me to spend all morning on my knees stroking your ego, after all i am a man, and therefore wouldn't really know where to find it.


Well, you have certainly put me in my place Charver. I have no doubt that neither Vidal nor Chomsky have ever heard of me.

Still...Asshat knows who I am. lol
If darla's so great, why does she support racial discrimination?

Darla is the archetypal enemy within, guilted and taught to hate self, and taught to betray her allies for her enemies.
Congratulations Darla!

I think we all know that you're writing can't really compete with my indepth stylist writings such as ":readit: Good one" or ":bleh: " or my personal favorite, ":cof1: LMAO" but its nice to know that you can some kind of accolade.


In all seriousness.....congratulations! I still think you should be working for the Daily Show.
Congratulations Darla!

I think we all know that you're writing can't really compete with my indepth stylist writings such as ":readit: Good one" or ":bleh: " or my personal favorite, ":cof1: LMAO" but its nice to know that you can some kind of accolade.


In all seriousness.....congratulations! I still think you should be working for the Daily Show.

