Another All About Me Thread

In SuperFreak's experience it probably does not always go all the way back up, butt, does go down too fast, so forgive him for the confusion? I am thinking of making him my protege, I am not happy with the way USC has come along, he is still too uppity? I think SuperFreak would make a good coolie, what do you think?

USC is no coffee fetcher. Well it depends on if you are a lady or not I would think.
I do tend to spoil ladies.. And I mean lady not just female and good looking.
A failing of mine....
Your original statement simply said he went down to the lobby and that he used the elevator, it did not state that he took the elevator all the way down.

SF, but the elevator does take him all the way down, I clarified that afterwards. The answer to this is quite simple and it drives people who think too hard nuts.

Ok Mensa:

A man lives on the 37th floor of an apartment complex in NYC. Every morning he goes down to the lobby to get his paper and uses the elevator. When he wants to go back up, he only uses the elevator to the 17th floor, then gets out and walks the stairs. He's not doing it for exercise, and he is not mentally challenged, there is a legitimate reason he does this every day. Can you guess why?
Do you want the answer? I know! I know! Ooooh! Oooh!