Another baffling story behind the Left's ongoing love affair with radical Islam

Shortly after 911 George Bush is famous for saying " Either you are for us or against us. Blabo and Granny heard that to say "Either you are for THEM or or for US." They never stopped to think what Bush had actually said.
Binary thinkers like this simpleton view and cling to it voraciously.
Christians and Muslims exhibit insanity equally In My Honest Opinion.
Poor Blabo
Poor Granny.
Bill Mahr hates all religion, it isn't just Islam. He just can't get on his soapbox about Chrisitianity as much because of the backlash he would receive, but watch his movie, Religilous.

I get that Maher hates every religion. But he consistently makes the same sorts of criticisms about liberals and Islam as myself and others.

In the clip he "wishes liberals would have the same enthusiasm for intolerance elsewhere in the world as they do for Christians here at home, who really aren’t a problem, because they don’t get really get their way".

Lack of enthusiasm is a great way to describe it. Obama pats himself on the back for the gay marriage victory but doesn't get angry when 50 of them are murdered by a radical Muslim. He saves that for Trump.

It's easy to get the sense that liberals are more about scoring a win over Christians than they are about gays or gay rights.

I'm inclined to think Maher would agree. How else do you explain their 'lack of enthusiasm' for Muslim intolerance?
Bill Maher hates all religion, it isn't just Islam. He just can't get on his soapbox about Chrisitianity as much because of the backlash he would receive, but watch his movie, Religilous.
Bill Maher still plays it safe with Islam, as he really doesn't want to end up like Theo Van Gogh, right Mrs. Marx?
I get that Maher hates every religion. But he consistently makes the same sorts of criticisms about liberals and Islam as myself and others.

In the clip he "wishes liberals would have the same enthusiasm for intolerance elsewhere in the world as they do for Christians here at home, who really aren’t a problem, because they don’t get really get their way".

Lack of enthusiasm is a great way to describe it. Obama pats himself on the back for the gay marriage victory but doesn't get angry when 50 of them are murdered by a radical Muslim. He saves that for Trump.

It's easy to get the sense that liberals are more about scoring a win over Christians than they are about gays or gay rights.

I'm inclined to think Maher would agree. How else do you explain their 'lack of enthusiasm' for Muslim intolerance?
Personally, Mahr doesn't matter to me, but good to know you think highly of his opinion.
Shortly after 911 George Bush is famous for saying " Either you are for us or against us. Blabo and Granny heard that to say "Either you are for THEM or or for US." They never stopped to think what Bush had actually said.
Binary thinkers like this simpleton view and cling to it voraciously.
Christians and Muslims exhibit insanity equally In My Honest Opinion.
Poor Blabo
Poor Granny.
Peeonthecat is famous for making shit up as it goes. The little Jesus-trashing hippie never stops to think that Granule always knows that it's full of shit.

Poor Peeon.
I haven't seen Maher in awhile but from what I remebr is him going up against Islam at the religion of peace,
but also the Dems who are unable to utter 'radical islamic terrorist'. apologies if my characterization is a bit off -going by memory

Maher is a card-carrying liberal standards lol.
Personally, Mahr doesn't matter to me, but good to know you think highly of his opinion.

Maher is an intellectually consistent hater of everything religious. In contrast to most haters of religion who reserve a special spot for Christianity.

He lacks the bias of the latter group.
Christians don't praise murders, you park-occupying douche bag. One would have to be an abortion loving moonbat to stoop to that level.

The hell you say.

"In his first video, Anderson said there are “50 less pedophiles in this world.” His second video, he criticized any Christians who showed empathy for those killed in the massacre."

“Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No … I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida’s a little safer tonight,”
So why, exactly, do liberals love and protect Islam? No democrat party member on this board is capable, or willing, to tell us why, so it's left to good Americans like ol' Granule to shed light on these vermin. We can start with the following article that was written in 2010:

"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’Reilly, to President Obama’s recent droning about the “spirit of tolerance” in the Indonesian Constitution (in spite of Indonesia’s laws prohibiting speech offensive to Islam), we are forever sermonized that there is a gulf between Islamist extremism and the “vast majority” of normal Muslims, whom we would apparently love to have as neighbors and run into at Whole Foods.

Well, I contend that we would not want to run into a lot of Muslims at Whole Foods. True, we probably wouldn’t mind running into most American Muslims, who don’t go for certain more widespread interpretations of Sharia law. But it remains true that huge swathes of the Islamic world hold views and have enacted legal regimes that would shock the average American, and which ought to shock liberals and media elites far more than, say, Roman Catholicism does. And it’s not like this is a “false” Islam, while the more peaceful, American interpretations are “true” Islam. Unlike Catholicism, there is no central magisterial authority in Islam; its nature is determined by how different schools interpret Sharia law and the Koran, and large numbers of Muslims interpret them in a fundamentalist, bizarre fashion.

Liberals deride Christianity and Catholicism in particular for its strict approach towards sexuality, claiming that prohibitions against abortion, contraception, homosexual sex, and premarital sex are simply oppressive forms of prudish patriarchy. But Islam is every bit as traditional on these matters; indeed, Muslim nations are the best allies the Vatican has at the U.N. in fighting against funding for third-world family planning initiatives. You can’t reasonably deride one while accepting the other.

Furthermore, Islam goes way beyond Christianity by embracing doctrines that actually are oppressive, demeaning to women, and tyrannical. Throughout the Middle East, there is widespread acceptance of polygamy, of giving adolescent girls in marriage, of female genital mutilation, of harsh criminal sanctions against fornication and homosexuality (a capital offense in some countries), all of which is done in accordance with interpretations of Sharia law that are accepted by significant percentages of the Muslim world. While liberals rightly revile American polygamists, they fail to acknowledge that every major Muslim country (with the exception of Turkey and a few smaller countries) legally provides for this disgusting practice".

Who else agrees with this so far?

Read more:

Your false premise needs to be deconstructed. Start by citing the accuracy of "the liberal love affair with Islam." That's nothing but a right-wing meme.
The hell you say.

"In his first video, Anderson said there are “50 less pedophiles in this world.” His second video, he criticized any Christians who showed empathy for those killed in the massacre."

“Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No … I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida’s a little safer tonight,”

Granny can't accept that a Christian preacher would be as full of hate as he is.
Too funny.
So what are you trying to say, pervert? That you don't give a shit about Islam, or are you trying to tell me that you're opposed to it?

Obviously people are trying to tell you that people can't agree or disagree if they don't accept your premise in the first place. Because it's dishonest.
Really? Please copy and paste your favorite "answer", as all I've been seeing is one dodge after another.

Interesting. Nobody in this household has Trump's back. I'm still not convinced that he isn't a plant for the democrat party.

Why are you defending Islam and its terrorist arm?

Give me one example... just ONE... where I ever defended terrorism.
The hell you say.

"In his first video, Anderson said there are “50 less pedophiles in this world.” His second video, he criticized any Christians who showed empathy for those killed in the massacre."

“Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No … I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida’s a little safer tonight,”

And of course your ilk didn't say shit about the Iman calling for gays to be executed as compassion.

Your ilk make me fucking sick.
Because the same stupid answers are being made dozens of times. whether it's a flat-out dodge or it's helped along by someone like me, none of the lefties on this board EVER post anything about Islam on their own, and clearly it's because they don't want to offend its people. Why?

The better question is, How's about you find a lefty who actually speaks out against Islam on his own, without being cornered by a Conservative?

Are you a liberal, thingie1?

How about you explaining why liberal have to speak out about the religion itself rather than the terrorists who have perverted its teachings.
The hell you say.

"In his first video, Anderson said there are “50 less pedophiles in this world.” His second video, he criticized any Christians who showed empathy for those killed in the massacre."

“Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No … I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida’s a little safer tonight,”
yes, I do say. My point is that democrats are getting what they deserve (being pro-terrorism, pro-illegal immigration, pro-diversity over preserving our roots) and the killer most certainly got what he deserved, so I don't see what your problem is. Are you asking me to mourn for tradition wrecking disease bags, or are you asking me to mourn for the errant Muslim shitbag?