Another baffling story behind the Left's ongoing love affair with radical Islam

I didn't know evince was your grandmother, Peeon. Does she know that you and LegionTGB, are tossing salads in her daugther's basement?

What would salad making have to do with anything Granny?
BTW you are hallucinating .
Did you miss your medication again?
Who else is getting tired of cloven demon worshippers hustling racism and other offensive bullshit in their threads?

Hey gaybait, why don't you tell us why you're such a stunted pervert? you know who you are. ;)
Another question: Why are liberals so infatuated with Islam?

Because they both have the same goal to tear down the United States

Liberals think they can "use" muslimes like they use the negro and the wetback. They don't realize that muslimes like moony will slit their throats first.

I really hope when the muslimes behead Darla, Christie, thingy, legion fag and Leonthepussy that the muslimes put it on YouTube.
Another question: Why are liberals so infatuated with Islam?

Many great minds have wrestled with this lol.

Short answer: Christianity is the religion of oppression and the religion of the oppressors in their historical narrative. Christian bakers refuse to bake gay wedding cakes and it's an outrage beyond all reckoning; Muslims throw gays off of buildings and it's all they can do to give it the obligatory 'well bloody crap'. Note that JPP liberals never start threads on the horrible things Muslims do to gays in many parts of the world.

Muslim shoots up a gay bar and kills 50 people, and they make it about anything BUT Islam or Muslims.

Liberals wouldn't set out to destroy the country. But they will cling to their historical narrative even in the face of brutal facts that practically shout that it's wrong.

Which, if they happen to be in power, gets people killed.
So why, exactly, do liberals love and protect Islam? No democrat party member on this board is capable, or willing, to tell us why, so it's left to good Americans like ol' Granule to shed light on these vermin. We can start with the following article that was written in 2010:

"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’Reilly, to President Obama’s recent droning about the “spirit of tolerance” in the Indonesian Constitution (in spite of Indonesia’s laws prohibiting speech offensive to Islam), we are forever sermonized that there is a gulf between Islamist extremism and the “vast majority” of normal Muslims, whom we would apparently love to have as neighbors and run into at Whole Foods.

Well, I contend that we would not want to run into a lot of Muslims at Whole Foods. True, we probably wouldn’t mind running into most American Muslims, who don’t go for certain more widespread interpretations of Sharia law. But it remains true that huge swathes of the Islamic world hold views and have enacted legal regimes that would shock the average American, and which ought to shock liberals and media elites far more than, say, Roman Catholicism does. And it’s not like this is a “false” Islam, while the more peaceful, American interpretations are “true” Islam. Unlike Catholicism, there is no central magisterial authority in Islam; its nature is determined by how different schools interpret Sharia law and the Koran, and large numbers of Muslims interpret them in a fundamentalist, bizarre fashion.

Liberals deride Christianity and Catholicism in particular for its strict approach towards sexuality, claiming that prohibitions against abortion, contraception, homosexual sex, and premarital sex are simply oppressive forms of prudish patriarchy. But Islam is every bit as traditional on these matters; indeed, Muslim nations are the best allies the Vatican has at the U.N. in fighting against funding for third-world family planning initiatives. You can’t reasonably deride one while accepting the other.

Furthermore, Islam goes way beyond Christianity by embracing doctrines that actually are oppressive, demeaning to women, and tyrannical. Throughout the Middle East, there is widespread acceptance of polygamy, of giving adolescent girls in marriage, of female genital mutilation, of harsh criminal sanctions against fornication and homosexuality (a capital offense in some countries), all of which is done in accordance with interpretations of Sharia law that are accepted by significant percentages of the Muslim world. While liberals rightly revile American polygamists, they fail to acknowledge that every major Muslim country (with the exception of Turkey and a few smaller countries) legally provides for this disgusting practice".

Who else agrees with this so far?

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So why, exactly, do liberals love and protect Islam? No democrat party member on this board is capable, or willing, to tell us why, so it's left to good Americans like ol' Granule to shed light on these vermin. We can start with the following article that was written in 2010:

"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’Reilly, to President Obama’s recent droning about the “spirit of tolerance” in the Indonesian Constitution (in spite of Indonesia’s laws prohibiting speech offensive to Islam), we are forever sermonized that there is a gulf between Islamist extremism and the “vast majority” of normal Muslims, whom we would apparently love to have as neighbors and run into at Whole Foods.

Well, I contend that we would not want to run into a lot of Muslims at Whole Foods. True, we probably wouldn’t mind running into most American Muslims, who don’t go for certain more widespread interpretations of Sharia law. But it remains true that huge swathes of the Islamic world hold views and have enacted legal regimes that would shock the average American, and which ought to shock liberals and media elites far more than, say, Roman Catholicism does. And it’s not like this is a “false” Islam, while the more peaceful, American interpretations are “true” Islam. Unlike Catholicism, there is no central magisterial authority in Islam; its nature is determined by how different schools interpret Sharia law and the Koran, and large numbers of Muslims interpret them in a fundamentalist, bizarre fashion.

Liberals deride Christianity and Catholicism in particular for its strict approach towards sexuality, claiming that prohibitions against abortion, contraception, homosexual sex, and premarital sex are simply oppressive forms of prudish patriarchy. But Islam is every bit as traditional on these matters; indeed, Muslim nations are the best allies the Vatican has at the U.N. in fighting against funding for third-world family planning initiatives. You can’t reasonably deride one while accepting the other.

Furthermore, Islam goes way beyond Christianity by embracing doctrines that actually are oppressive, demeaning to women, and tyrannical. Throughout the Middle East, there is widespread acceptance of polygamy, of giving adolescent girls in marriage, of female genital mutilation, of harsh criminal sanctions against fornication and homosexuality (a capital offense in some countries), all of which is done in accordance with interpretations of Sharia law that are accepted by significant percentages of the Muslim world. While liberals rightly revile American polygamists, they fail to acknowledge that every major Muslim country (with the exception of Turkey and a few smaller countries) legally provides for this disgusting practice".

Who else agrees with this so far?

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"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents".

Why is this?
"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents".

Why is this?

You are arguing against a phenomenon that exists only in your mind.
Interesting that you are still having trouble making your case against your own erroneous perceptions.
You are arguing against a phenomenon that exists only in your mind.
Interesting that you are still having trouble making your case against your own erroneous perceptions.
So what are you trying to say, pervert? That you don't give a shit about Islam, or are you trying to tell me that you're opposed to it?
So why, exactly, do liberals love and protect Islam? No democrat party member on this board is capable, or willing, to tell us why, so it's left to good Americans like ol' Granule to shed light on these vermin. We can start with the following article that was written in 2010:

"The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’Reilly, to President Obama’s recent droning about the “spirit of tolerance” in the Indonesian Constitution (in spite of Indonesia’s laws prohibiting speech offensive to Islam), we are forever sermonized that there is a gulf between Islamist extremism and the “vast majority” of normal Muslims, whom we would apparently love to have as neighbors and run into at Whole Foods.

Well, I contend that we would not want to run into a lot of Muslims at Whole Foods. True, we probably wouldn’t mind running into most American Muslims, who don’t go for certain more widespread interpretations of Sharia law. But it remains true that huge swathes of the Islamic world hold views and have enacted legal regimes that would shock the average American, and which ought to shock liberals and media elites far more than, say, Roman Catholicism does. And it’s not like this is a “false” Islam, while the more peaceful, American interpretations are “true” Islam. Unlike Catholicism, there is no central magisterial authority in Islam; its nature is determined by how different schools interpret Sharia law and the Koran, and large numbers of Muslims interpret them in a fundamentalist, bizarre fashion.

Liberals deride Christianity and Catholicism in particular for its strict approach towards sexuality, claiming that prohibitions against abortion, contraception, homosexual sex, and premarital sex are simply oppressive forms of prudish patriarchy. But Islam is every bit as traditional on these matters; indeed, Muslim nations are the best allies the Vatican has at the U.N. in fighting against funding for third...
I think you mean Democrats -not liberals. for some odd reason they are a protected class-maybe because Republicans go after "muslims" (and natural partisan politics is reactive).
Obama sure has some oddball ideas where he can't even mention how the Salafists have captured a large swatch of Sunni Islam
But there are Shi'a fundies too..
I don't know wtf it is ...some odd phenomenon
I think you mean Democrats -not liberals. for some odd reason they are a protected class-maybe because Republicans go after "muslims" (and natural partisan politics is reactive).
Obama sure has some oddball ideas where he can't even mention how the Salafists have captured a large swatch of Sunni Islam

But that would mean implicating Islam.

In a less dysfunctional administration the president would just say what you did. Salafists have captured a large swath of Sunni Islam...that way people would know the enemy, so to speak.