Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

You show no sign of having a clue either about my clues or much else. Let's take a look at Happer, one of your "scientists", who offered this:

"Climate models that attempt to predict the future temperature of the planet...don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now."; "the number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable"; "CO2 is a minor contributor to the warming of the earth"

Wrong: climate models don't have to be perfect to be useful indicators.

This is a consensus verdict from a survey of scientists:

Climate models can account for a variety of factors that influence Earth’s climate, including land, atmosphere, ice, and human activities. The effects of these factors can vary depending on the climatic pattern being evaluated. For instance, greenhouse gas emissions have a strong effect on global warming, whereas the Sun and the Earth’s orbital properties do not influence the global temperature over the timescales relevant to current warming trends. Climate models don’t need to perfectly capture every parameter to accurately model the average global temperature. State-of-the-art climate models have accurately reproduced past climatic patterns and forecasted future global warming trends. Human caused emissions of CO2 are a significant driver of global warming.

Science Feedback

Typical clumsy slight of hand by the Right's intellectual frauds, attempting to render useless a finding that something is usually true by showing it is not always true.
Lindzen is equally a laughed at moron
You show no sign of having a clue either about my clues or much else. Let's take a look at Happer, one of your "scientists", who offered this:

"Climate models that attempt to predict the future temperature of the planet...don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now."; "the number of factors that influence climate—the sun, the earth’s orbital properties, oceans, clouds, and, yes, industrial man—is huge and enormously variable"; "CO2 is a minor contributor to the warming of the earth"

Wrong: climate models don't have to be perfect to be useful indicators.

This is a consensus verdict from a survey of scientists:

Climate models can account for a variety of factors that influence Earth’s climate, including land, atmosphere, ice, and human activities. The effects of these factors can vary depending on the climatic pattern being evaluated. For instance, greenhouse gas emissions have a strong effect on global warming, whereas the Sun and the Earth’s orbital properties do not influence the global temperature over the timescales relevant to current warming trends. Climate models don’t need to perfectly capture every parameter to accurately model the average global temperature. State-of-the-art climate models have accurately reproduced past climatic patterns and forecasted future global warming trends. Human caused emissions of CO2 are a significant driver of global warming.

Science Feedback
Typical clumsy slight of hand by the Right's intellectual frauds, attempting to render useless a finding that something is usually true by showing it is not always true.
Ok as far as I'm concerned you're just another fool, funny how you refuse to declare what your scientific background is, if any. I think it's immensely revealing that you think having a chemistry degree means nothing in the climate science world. As I've already stated you're a fool and will treat you as such in future.
I'd say that you're a typical journalist.

Anyway I've a plane to catch to catch to Singapore from Bangkok, see you later.
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No occupation = no resistance to occupation, dumbass.

Occupiers are terrorists, not the resistance.
Give one Palestinian a gun you get a massacre. Give two Palestinians guns, you get a war. If Israel ceased to exist entirely tomorrow, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, et al., would turn to fighting each other and terrorizing Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon far more than they already do.

"May 2024 was the warmest May on the books, marking a full year of record-high monthly temperatures, NASA scientists found. Average global temperatures for the past 12 months hit record highs for each respective month – an unprecedented streak – according to scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

“It’s clear we are facing a climate crisis,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Communities across America—like Arizona, California, Nevada—and communities across the globe are feeling first-hand extreme heat in unprecedented numbers. NASA and the Biden-Harris Administration recognize the urgency of protecting our home planet. We are providing critical climate data to better lives and livelihoods, and benefit all humanity.”

The run of record temperatures fits within a long-term warming trend driven by human activity — primarily greenhouse gas emissions. The trend has become evident over the past four decades, with the last 10 consecutive years being the warmest 10 since record-keeping began in the late 19th century. Before this streak of 12 straight months of record temperatures, the second longest streak lasted for seven months between 2015 and 2016."

"The environmental movement is a mask for a plan to centralized control of all resources, natural and human, in the world. TheWildlands Project as conceived is actually a takeover of private lands and a justification for pushing people out of rural areas across the world. Burn them out, zone them out, restrict them out. Raise the fire insurance rates in rural areas, mismanage the forests so that dead trees and undergrowth choke them with tinder, have Medicare pay rural doctors less, close rural schools, monitor water wells...all of this moves people into the city centers."

Give one Palestinian a gun you get a massacre. Give two Palestinians guns, you get a war. If Israel ceased to exist entirely tomorrow, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, et al., would turn to fighting each other and terrorizing Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon far more than they already do.
I'm moron intolerant. Begone.

Climate the Movie is here.


Eight years ago, readers helped film maker Martin Durkin finance ‘Brexit the Movie‘, raising over £8000 towards the total cost of production. Now, Martin has made the long awaited sequel to ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle‘ with help from long time fellow sceptic Tom Nelson. It’s called ‘Climate the Movie: the Cold Truth’ and you can watch it for free here, right now. Enjoy

On Youtube at
What have we got here??? More pseudo science funded by big oil.

"May 2024 was the warmest May on the books, marking a full year of record-high monthly temperatures, NASA scientists found. Average global temperatures for the past 12 months hit record highs for each respective month – an unprecedented streak – according to scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

“It’s clear we are facing a climate crisis,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Communities across America—like Arizona, California, Nevada—and communities across the globe are feeling first-hand extreme heat in unprecedented numbers. NASA and the Biden-Harris Administration recognize the urgency of protecting our home planet. We are providing critical climate data to better lives and livelihoods, and benefit all humanity.”

The run of record temperatures fits within a long-term warming trend driven by human activity — primarily greenhouse gas emissions. The trend has become evident over the past four decades, with the last 10 consecutive years being the warmest 10 since record-keeping began in the late 19th century. Before this streak of 12 straight months of record temperatures, the second longest streak lasted for seven months between 2015 and 2016."
No doubt this will trigger the MAGAT science-haters.
Poor dumb poorly-educated MAGAT pEarl.

That's not the the world's scientists. That's Climate Scientists only.

Those whose jobs largely depend on governments grants to study..Climate Science!

So I'm pretty sure they have their livelihood for motivation to do so.

How is it you're so well-educated and didn't know that?

Nothing. I argue against its rejection, and in a thread such as this support its publication.
I don't reject climate change. The planet's climate changes. What I reject is Gorebal Warming. That is, the near-religious belief that anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of the rate of current change and that all other sources are secondary or irrelevant to that as cause of change. I also reject that the solution is to eliminate anthropogenic CO2 sources and replace them with ones that are horribly expensive, inefficient, unworkable, and would lead to rationing and control by government to a much greater degree than we have today.

I also see that, to date, the so-called climate scientists have gotten virtually nothing correct in their predictions on Gorebal Warming. Their track record is worse in that respect than random choice. A psychic or palm reader could do better. We could throw darts and get better results. That gives me zero confidence in their "science."