Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

Right... Says the guy supporting the elected government who is, even now, still illegally holding hostages, who attack civilians on purpose, who use civilians in the area (whom you claim to support but do not, you support the government that put them in harms way: Hamas) as shields, who use hospitals illegally as military headquarters.

Basically, you support an elected government that breaks international law 10 times before breakfast while pointing a finger at those who act to protect their citizens, including the civilians in Gaza and other Palestinian territories.

I am certain that Hamas celebrates useful idiots like yourself, personally I find you laughably, though purposefully, ignorant.
The US-backed Jewish sub-humans murdered hundreds of Palestinian civilians during 2023, prior to October 7th - and you said nothing . You continued to support the illegal occupation and Israel's ethnic cleansing program. When the Palestinian resistance reacted with a reprisal action you posture and wail as if it was an attack upon innocents. It's a contemptuous position- and you have NO moral argument to defend it . You are a prosemitic shill for genocide and a traitor to decent American values .
38,000 dead. 17,000 children dead and the remainder mostly women. 20,000 more children missing. It's really quite astonishing that you believe the perpetrators- illegal occupiers to start with- have even an iota of moral fiber. You should sign the shells that kill Palestinian kids- as Israeli kids have been trained to do.

You are on a similar mental level.
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BirthStrike: The people refusing to have kids, because of ‘the ecological crisis’

Translated, none of them can find a man willing to impregnate them.

BirthStrike: The people refusing to have kids, because of ‘the ecological crisis’

Translated, none of them can find a man willing to impregnate them.
I view this particular phenomena (population decline) to be evidence for the veracity of the Christian faith, specifically the part of the Bible that speaks about a time when the Earth will be "ripe for harvest".

BirthStrike: The people refusing to have kids, because of ‘the ecological crisis’

Translated, none of them can find a man willing to impregnate them.

They don't want to be impregnated anyway, but you are right.

They hate traditional families. They hate children. They hate women. They hate Donald Trump. They hate even themselves.

They just hate.
So then- wildfires also make the world warmer. So do wars.
Every bomb the US sells will contribute to American deaths in the longer term.


One fact is beyond reproach, Guardianistas are a bunch of climate bullshitters and not to be trusted ever.
A chart full of random numbers means nothing.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric content of CO2 of Earth.

No one knows the conditions of Earth millions of years ago.
Maybe you prefer the Stomata CO2 record which shows wild fluctuations that contradict the ice core data.

Figure 3:� Plant stomata CO2 proxy data compared to Greenland and Antarctic ice CO2 (red line).� Note color coding of stomata CO2 in blues, Greenland ice core CO2 in greens, and lower resolution Antarctic CO2 in reds and orange. References shown on graph.� Data normalized to approximately 20 years during the Late Holocene and 100 years during the Mid-Early Holocene and deglaciation.
Maybe you prefer the Stomata CO2 record which shows wild fluctuations that contradict the ice core data.

Figure 3:� Plant stomata CO2 proxy data compared to Greenland and Antarctic ice CO2 (red line).� Note color coding of stomata CO2 in blues, Greenland ice core CO2 in greens, and lower resolution Antarctic CO2 in reds and orange. References shown on graph.� Data normalized to approximately 20 years during the Late Holocene and 100 years during the Mid-Early Holocene and deglaciation.
Stomata does not measure CO2. It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric CO2 content of Earth.
Science is not a website. Charts of random numbers mean nothing.
Stomata does not measure CO2. It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric CO2 content of Earth.
Science is not a website. Charts of random numbers mean nothing.
The IPCC erased the LIA and MWP from their temperature record, .... but they could not erase it from the geologic record ...

Evidence of a large cooling between 1690 and 1740 AD in South Africa ...​

Nature › scientific reports › articles

by HS Sundqvist · 2013 · Cited by 70 — The Little Ice Age and medieval warming in South Africa. S. Afr. J ... Late Pleistocene stalagmite growth in Wolkberg Cave, South Africa.
The IPCC erased the LIA and MWP from their temperature record, .... but they could not erase it from the geologic record ...

Evidence of a large cooling between 1690 and 1740 AD in South Africa ...

Nature › scientific reports › articles

by HS Sundqvist · 2013 · Cited by 70 — The Little Ice Age and medieval warming in South Africa. S. Afr. J ... Late Pleistocene stalagmite growth in Wolkberg Cave, South Africa.
There is no temperature record. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.