Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

Nope, they sure don’t.
I clearly already showed they do. The EPA also practices bad science, and regularly lies and makes up data to fit their agenda. One of their favorites for showing some proposed regulation will have zero cost attached is to claim health benefits and the reduction in cost of health care that results. Somehow, the health benefits always seem to match the cost of the regulation exactly...
I clearly already showed they do. The EPA also practices bad science, and regularly lies and makes up data to fit their agenda. One of their favorites for showing some proposed regulation will have zero cost attached is to claim health benefits and the reduction in cost of health care that results. Somehow, the health benefits always seem to match the cost of the regulation exactly...
What did you post? Three instances? A couple sources being biased ones?

Do you have any fucking idea how many decisions an agency like EPA makes in a year? And you can only find a couple of reversals in several.

Pretty fucking weak, pally boy.
So then- wildfires also make the world warmer. So do wars.
Every bomb the US sells will contribute to American deaths in the longer term.


I clearly already showed they do. The EPA also practices bad science, and regularly lies and makes up data to fit their agenda. One of their favorites for showing some proposed regulation will have zero cost attached is to claim health benefits and the reduction in cost of health care that results. Somehow, the health benefits always seem to match the cost of the regulation exactly...
The EPA denies science.
What did you post? Three instances? A couple sources being biased ones?

Do you have any fucking idea how many decisions an agency like EPA makes in a year? And you can only find a couple of reversals in several.

Pretty fucking weak, pally boy.
The EPA is unconstitutional, and has done NOTHING for any environment.
So then- wildfires also make the world warmer. So do wars.
Every bomb the US sells will contribute to American deaths in the longer term.


Climate cannot have a crisis. Buzzword fallacy.
Fear mongering. The only increase in wildfire (which often occurs in the SDTC) is caused by arson (often climate wackos!).
Fauci will be hated for as long as there are deniers who survived the pandemic with its tens of thousands of deniers who didn't and never stopped reminding them of the cost of doubting Fauci.
While anecdotal, I ignored everything Fauci recommended or said we should do. I was out and about every day. I wasn't a pandemic "survivor," I was somebody that looked at the panic and nonsense and saw it for what it was. The people I did service calls on were better off for it.

Fauci was, and is, a quack.
While anecdotal, I ignored everything Fauci recommended or said we should do. I was out and about every day. I wasn't a pandemic "survivor," I was somebody that looked at the panic and nonsense and saw it for what it was. The people I did service calls on were better off for it.

Fauci was, and is, a quack.
Graduated first in his class in medical school.

“He developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. In a 1985 Stanford University Arthritis Center Survey, members of the American Rheumatism Association ranked Fauci's work on the treatment of polyarteritis nodosa and granulomatosis with polyangiitis as one of the most important advances in patient management in rheumatology over the previous 20 years.

Fauci discovered how to re-dose cancer drugs in a way that turned a 98 percent mortality rate of the disorder vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate.”

There’s more, if you wish.