Another Month Brings Another World Heat Record

Yep, not even close ...

Sadly, white libs can't even understand a chart :palm:

Graduated first in his class in medical school.

“He developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis, and lymphomatoid granulomatosis. In a 1985 Stanford University Arthritis Center Survey, members of the American Rheumatism Association ranked Fauci's work on the treatment of polyarteritis nodosa and granulomatosis with polyangiitis as one of the most important advances in patient management in rheumatology over the previous 20 years.

Fauci discovered how to re-dose cancer drugs in a way that turned a 98 percent mortality rate of the disorder vasculitis into a 93 percent remission rate.”

There’s more, if you wish.
Appeal to authority fallacy.

Just because he was a success as a researcher in 1985, and had a career to 2000 or so, doesn't mean that as an administrator in 2020 he's to be listened to.
Yep, not even close ...

Sadly, white libs can't even understand a chart :palm:

A chart full of random numbers means nothing.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric content of CO2 of Earth.

No one knows the conditions of Earth millions of years ago.
A chart full of random numbers means nothing.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
It is not possible to measure the global atmospheric content of CO2 of Earth.

No one knows the conditions of Earth millions of years ago.
You are a sick attention-seeking parrot. See a veterinary psychologist.

Haw, haw.................................haw.
No, the EPA often, not always but often, uses "science" and research to further a political and bureaucratic agenda rather than using it in an objective manner to improve public safety.
Which means it denies science.

Science isn't a research or a study. Science is not a government agency. The EPA constantly pushes the Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Global Warming. Religion is not science, no matter what the EPA tries to call it.
Which means it denies science.

Science isn't a research or a study. Science is not a government agency. The EPA constantly pushes the Church of Green, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Global Warming. Religion is not science, no matter what the EPA tries to call it.
Not so much denies, as uses it as a bludgeon to pass regulations based on bad or cherry-picked science. One of their most egregious ones is using health and medical studies then proclaiming that the health benefits equal or exceed the cost of some regulation but are unwilling to even show Congress the actual data used on those studies.
Not so much denies,
Denies. There is no other word for it.
as uses it as a bludgeon to pass regulations based on bad or cherry-picked science.
Religion is not science, despite what they claim. The Church of Global Warming denies science. The Church of Green denies science. Their 'sCiEnCe' is nothing more than their religion. The EPA is nothing more than the state sponsored religious arm of the Church of Green and the Church of Global Warming (state religions).

This is, of course, unconstitutional.
One of their most egregious ones is using health and medical studies then proclaiming that the health benefits equal or exceed the cost of some regulation but are unwilling to even show Congress the actual data used on those studies.
Science isn't data, and there is no data. The EPA manufactures random numbers and tries to pass them off as 'data'.
The forces of hegemonic Zionism have been employing the ' divide and conquer ' technique to Palestinians for decades- to no effect. If you think that your spurious weight on the bandwagon will make any difference than you are kidding yourself.
Palestine has the right to self-defense. Palestine has the right to secure borders, free from encroachment and attack by sadistic Jewish snipers. Palestine has the right to free trade with whomever it chooses, the right to universities, airports, hospitals- all the necessities of civilization. The Palestinian resistance- in ALL its forms, Hamas included, will continue to insist that the vile pseudo-Jews of Israel leave Palestine and withdraw to the territory that they were legally granted by UNGAR 181 in 1947-0 because they have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER to anything else.
If you want the rule of law then you will quit supporting the criminals of the foul Zionist doctrine- both in Israel and in the US which keeps the genocidal Jews on life-support.
Palestine is a recognized sovereign state. Get out.
That is not what "from the river to the sea" means, and you know it. You prefer to lie with them rather than point to the actual offenders. I get how much you don't want to admit it, but there is no territory they will accept Jews in... That is what "from the river to the sea" means, it means nothing else. Israel has a right to exist, and is willing to let Palestinians have that same right, so long as they give up the idea that Jews will leave the territory to them or will be "swept into the sea"...
That is not what "from the river to the sea" means, and you know it. You prefer to lie with them rather than point to the actual offenders. I get how much you don't want to admit it, but there is no territory they will accept Jews in... That is what "from the river to the sea" means, it means nothing else. Israel has a right to exist, and is willing to let Palestinians have that same right, so long as they give up the idea that Jews will leave the territory to them or will be "swept into the sea"...
Your views belong in the camp of those who scorn international law and support pseudo-Jewish fanaticism. You argue for crime while I support justice and the rule of law. Israel has more UN resolutions against it than every other state combined. That means nothing to your camp- but it means everything to the law-supportive world community.
It's time that the UN headquarters was moved out of New York and re-established in a law-abiding country, because- as Assange proved to the world at large- America ain't it.
Israel has a legal right to exist- but, for its emulation of Nazism, Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist. For its support for the depraved Israeli state the US should forfeit the right to host the democratic United Nations. It is an honor that , because of its supplication to Zionism, the US no longer deserves. AIPAC- an agency of a foreign entity- controls Washington- and your camp allows it. That, to my mind, is plain treachery.
Your views belong in the camp of those who scorn international law and support pseudo-Jewish fanaticism. You argue for crime while I support justice and the rule of law. Israel has more UN resolutions against it than every other state combined. That means nothing to your camp- but it means everything to the law-supportive world community.
It's time that the UN headquarters was moved out of New York and re-established in a law-abiding country, because- as Assange proved to the world at large- America ain't it.
Israel has a legal right to exist- but, for its emulation of Nazism, Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist. For its support for the depraved Israeli state the US should forfeit the right to host the democratic United Nations.
Right... Says the guy supporting the elected government who is, even now, still illegally holding hostages, who attack civilians on purpose, who use civilians in the area (whom you claim to support but do not, you support the government that put them in harms way: Hamas) as shields, who use hospitals illegally as military headquarters.

Basically, you support an elected government that breaks international law 10 times before breakfast while pointing a finger at those who act to protect their citizens, including the civilians in Gaza and other Palestinian territories.

I am certain that Hamas celebrates useful idiots like yourself, personally I find you laughably, though purposefully, ignorant.