Another racist cop gets away with murder

When are you and other law abiding black people going to encourage young black men to clean up their act, stay in school, stay out of gangs, stay away from drugs and guns and stop hanging around on the streets getting in trouble by putting themselves into situations where they come into contact with the police to begin with?

OK NOW, that's twice in one day, that we've agreed and in the same thread.

WTF is going on here??

Haha, I had to do a double take on that as well. If someone is trying to reach people with power not sure why they would come to JPP. To my knowledge there are no elected officials posting here nor are there rich people who host fundraisers for and hobnob with elected officials.

Not that we're bad people but this board consists of people with no power who just cuss, yell and troll at each other on a daily basis.

Edit: As they say in the South "bless the heart" of anyone who comes to JPP thinking they are changing the world

:laugh: I see what you did there. :laugh:
When are you and other law abiding black people going to encourage young black men to clean up their act, stay in school, stay out of gangs, stay away from drugs and guns and stop hanging around on the streets getting in trouble by putting themselves into situations where they come into contact with the police to begin with?

Ah it’s Black peoples fault..... typical white american answer.

You surprise me more everyday... then again you ARE proving my point.
Ah it’s Black peoples fault..... typical white american answer.

You surprise me more everyday... then again you ARE proving my point.

Is that what he said; because I didn't read that in his post??

Why are you unable to address his question, seeing as how it does have merit, or does his post scare you and you just want to hide from it??
You seem to have not addressed the FACT; that this wouldn't even be a discussion if Gardner had complied, regardless of the feelings about State or City laws.

comply or die, do I have that right? I have noticed, over the decades, that the prevailing views on police violence tend to sway with whoever is in political offices and how those police are being used. Conservatives were all up in arms about police violence because of WACO, Ruby Ridge, and others during the Clinton Admin, but went all silent after 9/11.................vice versa with the libs, they were dead silent during the Clinton admin and whining and crying after 9/11 with what i've said in the past rings clear and true, nobody has a problem with police violence when they are perpetrating that violence on those whose politics they dislike........

but if you're going to stick with comply or die, at least be consistent about it.
When are you and other law abiding black people going to encourage young black men to clean up their act, stay in school, stay out of gangs, stay away from drugs and guns and stop hanging around on the streets getting in trouble by putting themselves into situations where they come into contact with the police to begin with?

when are the supposed good cops going to encourage the bad cops to clean up their act?
Ah it’s Black peoples fault..... typical white american answer.

You surprise me more everyday... then again you ARE proving my point.

Lemme get this straight.... it's ok for you to blatantly blame all black people's problems on white people, but let me point out to you that certain behavioral choices made by some black people have contributed to their problems, and suddenly that constitutes blaming all black people and placing blame is now a bad thing.

I hope you're not expecting any of that to be taken seriously.

Time for far left folks like yourself and your counterparts on the far right to stop pushing your self-serving agendas and start dealing in truth and honesty.

Nothing wrong with admitting one's own side's culpability.
Haha, I had to do a double take on that as well. If someone is trying to reach people with power not sure why they would come to JPP. To my knowledge there are no elected officials posting here nor are there rich people who host fundraisers for and hobnob with elected officials.

Not that we're bad people but this board consists of people with no power who just cuss, yell and troll at each other on a daily basis.

Edit: As they say in the South "bless the heart" of anyone who comes to JPP thinking they are changing the world

That was close.. Spend the weekend down in south SF & daily city, you hear it all the

It is nuts->:viol::bdh::viol::bdh::viol::bdh:

Sadly this may be her only outlet?? Hopefully she has some politicians she can harass on her mailing lists..
You seem to have not addressed the FACT; that this wouldn't even be a discussion if Gardner had complied, regardless of the feelings about State or City laws.

Might not have happen if he wasn't mentally ill.

Might not have happen if the guy that just got fired wouldn't have been chocking the shit out of him either.............:thinking:
comply or die, do I have that right? I have noticed, over the decades, that the prevailing views on police violence tend to sway with whoever is in political offices and how those police are being used. Conservatives were all up in arms about police violence because of WACO, Ruby Ridge, and others during the Clinton Admin, but went all silent after 9/11.................vice versa with the libs, they were dead silent during the Clinton admin and whining and crying after 9/11 with what i've said in the past rings clear and true, nobody has a problem with police violence when they are perpetrating that violence on those whose politics they dislike........

but if you're going to stick with comply or die, at least be consistent about it.

If someone refuses to comply to a lawful order, they are in essence turning control of the situation over to the Police.

There is no "comply or die", except in the minds of small people who want to be idiots.

Lemme get this straight.... it's ok for you to blatantly blame all black people's problems on white people, but let me point out to you that certain behavioral choices made by some black people have contributed to their problems, and suddenly that constitutes blaming all black people and placing blame is now a bad thing.

I hope you're not expecting any of that to be taken seriously.

Time for far left folks like yourself and your counterparts on the far right to stop pushing your self-serving agendas and start dealing in truth and honesty.

Nothing wrong with admitting one's own side's culpability.

OK, I've got to know.


Because this "agreeing" has got to stop.

Might not have happen if he wasn't mentally ill.

Might not have happen if the guy that just got fired wouldn't have been chocking the shit out of him either.............:thinking:

Are you saying Gardner was mentally ill; because that's what this is about??

As to your last part:

Don't bring none
Won't be none.

<drops mic and walks off, stage RIGHT>
They've been doing that for decades.

you're a moron if you think that's whats been happening. I suggest you read the last chapter of 'rise of the warrior cop' by radley balko, get you some facts. maybe you should read the whole book. learn something real
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If someone refuses to comply to a lawful order, they are in essence turning control of the situation over to the Police.

There is no "comply or die", except in the minds of small people who want to be idiots.


you're awful comfortable being a slave thinking he's free, aren't you? who determines what a lawful order is? YOU?????
you're a moron if you think that's whats been happening. I suggest you read the last chapter of 'rise of the warrior cop' by radley balko, get you some facts. maybe you should read the whole book. learn something real

You're the moron for trying to conflate the two completely different issues of the standard of behavior by individual cops while arresting suspects vs the increasingly militarized state of police depts nationwide vis-a-vis the kind of armaments, equipment and tactics they employ across the board etc.

I would argue that because of the increased violence police face on a regular basis, thanks not only to gangs and ghetto thugs, but to radicalized right-wing and libertarian anti-gub'mint extremists as well as terrorists, the police are justified in upping their game in order to provide better protection for the public and themselves.

At any rate, just because you saw some book mentioned on some goofball libertarian kook blog/forum or heard it spoken about by some goofball libertarian kook radio host, doesn't mean you have a firm understanding of it and certainly doesn't make you as smart as you're trying to make yourself sound by calling other people morons.

You obviously don't even know what you're babbling about, DumberthanShit.